Tuesday, April 14, 2009


PT. Bank Syariah Mandiri to attend as a bank that combines idealism with spiritual values that melandasi operations. Harmony between the ideals of business and spiritual values, is what became one of the benefits of PT. Bank Syariah Mandiri as an alternative to banking services in Indonesia.

(Head Office, Jakarta)

Terms :

Male / Female age maximum 25 years.
High body at least 160 cm (men) and 155 cm (women) with a weight proportional
Education minimal S-1, preferably from faculty:
- Economics (banking, accounting, management & development studies)
- Law (science of law, civil, commercial, international)
- Computers (information management, computer technology)
- Engineering (civil, architectural, electrical, industrial, agricultural)
Graduates PTN / PTS reputable with a good GPA minimum 3.00 (scale 4)
Ability to communicate in English verbally and written
Can read Al-Qur'an (the good and true).
Can operate the computer, at least MS Office applications
Have not (been) married and not prepared to marry during the period of education.
Willing to be placed in BSM Branch nationwide.
Willing to undergo a period of 5 years union offices
Ghiroh a commitment and a strong economy to promote Islam.

Delivery of the application:
Submit a letter of application to become a Management Development Program participants PT Bank Syariah Mandiri signed by applicants, with the:
a)photocopy of identity card
b)photocopy of the birth of teaching license
c)photocopies and transcripts ijasah value (berlegalisir)
d)photocopy of the certificate courses
e)latest pasfoto size 4 x 6 (color) of 2 fruit, 1 fruit and color photos throughout the body 4r size formal dress (long-sleeve shirt and berdasi / men) and clothing and formal wear berjilbab / women.
f)letter bearing an Rp. 6000, - who had never married, is not prepared to marry during the period of education, are willing to be placed in all branches in Indonesia and are willing to undergo the association office at least for 5 years

Applications sent by post code with the MDP in the upper left corner of the envelope not later than the date 18 April 2009 (postal stamp) to the address:

BAGIAN REKRUTMEN & SELEKSI DIVISI HUMAN CAPITAL Gedung Menara Mandiri (Ex.BDN) Lt. 5 Jl. Kebon Sirih No. 83 Jakarta 10340

Additional provisions:
a)Application file become the property of the incoming administrator selection committee and will not be returned.
b)Only applicants with complete administrative requirements and have the best qualifications will be called to attend the next stage of selection.
c)Applications submitted before this ad, and after passing through the end of the limit are considered not valid.
d)Committee decisions are final and it can not be inviolable.
e)Implementation of selection is only held in Jakarta.
f)Costs to and from the selection process is the responsibility of each applicant.

Results of selection for the administration of the participants will follow the next selection can be accessed through http://www.syariahm andiri.co. id/

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