Monday, August 16, 2010

NGO Vacancy - The World Agroforestry Centre (ICRAF) ; Database Specialist

The World Agroforestry Centre (ICRAF) is one of a network of 15 Future Harvest Centres of the Consultative Group on International Agricultural Research (CGIAR). As a global leader in agroforestry research and development, ICRAF’s ultimate purpose is to improve human welfare by reducing poverty, increasing cash income, improving food and nutritional security, and
increasing environmental resilience through improved agroforestry systems. ICRAF has it’s headquarters in Nairobi, Kenya and works in 21 countries throughout Africa, Asia and Latin America.

In 1993, the World Agroforestry Centre opened a program for Southeast Asia with Bogor, in Indonesia, as its regional headquarters. We currently work in five Southeast Asian countries including Indonesia, Philippines, Thailand, Vietnam and China. As one of ICRAF Project, RUPES Program (Rewards for, Use and share investment in Pro-poor Environmental Services) in Indonesia has several sites, including Singkarak site at West Sumatera.

Database Specialist

The Position

The World Agroforestry Centre (ICRAF) wishes to recruit a Database Specialist to support its research activities. The incumbent will be under Ecological Modeling Unit and will have high collaboration with the IT Unit.

Duties and Responsibilities

· To manage research data, including biophysics data from Ecological Modeling Unit (EMU) and spatial data from Spatial Analyst Unit (SAU).

· To design the database; develop a database structure to handle the variety of biophysics and spatial data and advice the integration within.

· To manage User Interface Design; including the web and application


· Bachelor degree in Computer Science is preferred

· Excellent programmer with a good theoretical background

· Have a database management skill, VBA, ASP and PHP skills (or be a fast learner)

· Statistical knowledge is a point plus

· GIS knowledge is another point plus

· Have excellent communication skills, in person, on the phone and via e-mail in English

· Be resilient, friendly and enthusiastic about Open Source

Terms of Offer11 months engagement

Please submit your application with relevant qualifications, experiences, reference and a recent photograph in MS Word or Pdf format (Max. 500 kb), not later than August 20, 2010 to :

ICRAF Human Resources Unit

(code: Database Specialist)


Only short-listed applicants meeting the requirements stated above will be contacted.

ICRAF believes that staff diversity promotes excellence, and strongly encourages women to apply. We invite you to learn more about ICRAF at our web site :

CPNS Departemen Luar Negeri


NOMOR : PENG/KP/01/08/2010/02





Kementerian Luar Negeri (Kemlu) Republik Indonesia membuka kesempatan kepada Warga Negara Indonesia pria dan wanita yang memiliki integritas dan komitmen tinggi untuk menjadi Calon Pegawai Negeri Sipil (CPNS) Golongan III dan II untuk dididik menjadi Pejabat Dinas Luar Negeri (PDLN) dan untuk mengisi posisi Dokter.

Pejabat Dinas Luar Negeri

1. Pejabat Diplomatik dan Konsuler (Diplomat/PDK)

Lulusan Sarjana (S-1) atau Magister/Master (S-2) menjadi CPNS Golongan III untuk dididik menjadi Pejabat Diplomatik dan Konsuler (Diplomat/PDK);

2. Bendaharawan dan Penata Kerumahtanggaan Perwakilan (BPKRT)

Lulusan Sarjana (S-1) menjadi CPNS Golongan III untuk dididik menjadi Bendaharawan dan Penata Kerumahtanggaan Perwakilan (BPKRT); dan

3. Petugas Komunikasi (PK)

Lulusan Diploma 3 (D-3) menjadi CPNS Golongan II untuk dididik menjadi Petugas

Komunikasi (PK).

Dokter/Dokter Gigi

1. Dokter Umum

Lulusan Pendidikan Profesi Dokter menjadi CPNS Golongan III untuk mengisi posisi Dokter


2. Dokter Gigi

Lulusan Pendidikan Profesi Dokter menjadi CPNS Golongan III untuk mengisi posisi Dokter Gigi.


a. Proses Seleksi Penerimaan CPNS Kemlu Tahun Anggaran 2010 ini terbuka untuk semua Warga Negara Indonesia .

b. Bersedia mengikuti seluruh proses tahapan seleksi di Jakarta atas biaya sendiri.

c. Pelamar tidak diperkenankan menghubungi/berhubungan dengan pejabat/pegawai Kemlu dalam kaitannya dengan proses seleksi.

d. Seluruh tahapan proses seleksi ini tidak dipungut biaya apapun.


a. Warga Negara Indonesia yang bertaqwa kepada Tuhan Yang Maha Esa, setia, dan taat kepada Pancasila, UUD 1945, dan Negara Kesatuan Republik Indonesia .

b. Berkelakuan baik dan tidak pernah dihukum penjara atau kurungan berdasarkan

putusan pengadilan yang memiliki kekuatan hukum tetap.

c. Tidak pernah diberhentikan dengan hormat tidak atas permintaan sendiri atau tidak dengan hormat sebagai PNS/Anggota TNI/Polri atau diberhentikan tidak dengan hormat sebagai pegawai swasta.

d. Tidak berkedudukan sebagai CPNS atau Pegawai Negeri Sipil (PNS) dan tidak sedang terikat perjanjian/kontrak kerja dengan instansi lain.

e. Tidak bersuami/beristrikan seorang yang berkewarganegaraan asing atau tanpa


f. Sehat jasmani dan rohani.

g. Bersedia menjalani ikatan dinas selama 5 ( lima ) tahun dan ditempatkan di seluruh wilayah Negara Republik Indonesia atau negara lain yang ditentukan oleh Pemerintah.



a. Berijazah Sarjana (S-1) atau Magister/Master (S-2):

1. Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik (Jurusan Ilmu Politik, Hubungan Internasional, Studi

Kawasan, Ilmu Komunikasi/Hubungan Masyarakat, Ilmu Pemerintahan dan

Administrasi Negara)

2. Ilmu Hukum (Hukum Perdata, Hukum Pidana, Hukum Bisnis, Hukum

Internasional, Hukum Administrasi Negara).

3. Ilmu Ekonomi (Jurusan Manajemen Pemasaran dan Studi Pembangunan).

4. Sastra/Ilmu Pengetahuan Budaya ( Arab , China , Inggris, Jepang, Perancis,

Rusia, Jerman dan Spanyol).

b. Lulusan Perguruan Tinggi Negeri, Perguruan Tinggi Swasta, atau Perguruan Tinggi luar negeri yang program studinya terakreditasi oleh Badan Akreditasi Nasional Perguruan Tinggi pada saat tanggal kelulusan, dengan persyaratan IPK:

Sarjana (S-1) minimal 2,75 (dua koma tujuh lima ); dan

Magister/Master (S-2) minimal 3,00 (tiga koma nol nol).

c. Menguasai bahasa Inggris dengan baik (lisan dan tulisan) dan/atau bahasa Perserikatan Bangsa-Bangsa (PBB)/asing lainnya ( Arab , China , Jepang, Perancis,

Rusia, Jerman dan Spanyol).

d. Berusia maksimum:

28 tahun pada tanggal 1 Desember 2010 (lahir setelah 30 November 1982) untuk

tingkat Sarjana (S-1);

32 tahun pada tanggal 1 Desember 2010 (lahir setelah 30 November 1978) untuk

tingkat Magister/Master (S-2).


a. Berijazah Sarjana (S-1) Jurusan Akuntansi.

b. Lulusan Perguruan Tinggi Negeri, Perguruan Tinggi Swasta, atau Perguruan Tinggi luar negeri yang program studinya terakreditasi oleh Badan Akreditasi Nasional Perguruan Tinggi pada saat tanggal kelulusan, dengan persyaratan IPK: minimal 2,75 (dua koma tujuh lima).

c. Menguasai bahasa Inggris dengan baik (lisan dan tulisan) dan/atau bahasa PBB/asing lainnya ( Arab , China , Jepang, Perancis, Rusia, Jerman dan Spanyol).

d. Berusia maksimum 28 tahun pada tanggal 1 Desember 2010 (lahir setelah 30

November 1982).


a. Berijazah Diploma 3 (D-3):

1. Jurusan Teknik Telekomunikasi;

2. Jurusan Teknik Informatika;

3. Jurusan Teknik Komputer;

4. Jurusan Teknologi Informasi; dan

5. Jurusan Matematika.

b. Lulusan Perguruan Tinggi Negeri, Perguruan Tinggi Swasta, atau Perguruan Tinggi luar negeri yang program studinya terakreditasi oleh Badan Akreditasi Nasional Perguruan Tinggi pada saat tanggal kelulusan, dengan persyaratan IPK: minimal 2,75 (dua koma tujuh lima).

c. Menguasai bahasa Inggris dengan baik (lisan dan tulisan) dan/atau bahasa

PBB/asing lainnya ( Arab , China , Jepang, Perancis, Rusia, Jerman dan Spanyol).

d. Berusia maksimum 28 tahun pada tanggal 1 Desember 2010 (lahir setelah 30

November 1982).


a. Lulusan Perguruan Tinggi Negeri, Perguruan Tinggi Swasta, atau Perguruan Tinggi luar negeri yang program studinya terakreditasi oleh Badan Akreditasi Nasional Perguruan Tinggi pada saat tanggal kelulusan, dengan persyaratan IPK Profesi dokter minimal 3,00 (tiga koma nol nol).

b. Memiliki Surat Tanda Registrasi (STR) sebagai Dokter/Dokter Gigi yang dikeluarkan oleh Konsil Kedokteran Indonesia .

c. Tidak sedang mengikuti Program Pendidikan Dokter Spesialis (PPDS) atau Program Pendidikan Dokter Gigi Spesialis (PPDGS).

d. Berusia maksimum 32 tahun pada tanggal 1 Desember 2010 (lahir setelah 30

November 1978).


a. Melakukan registrasi online melalui situs mulai tanggal 7 Agustus 2010 pukul 09.00 WIB dan mencetak formulir registrasi beserta pernyataan menyetujui ketentuan dan syarat yang ditetapkan.

b. Disamping melakukan registrasi online, peserta harus mengirimkan berkas lamaran kepada Panitia Seleksi Penerimaan CPNS Kemlu Tahun Anggaran 2010 melalui Pos Tercatat mulai tanggal 7 Agustus 2010 (CAP POS) dan berakhir pada tanggal 24 Agustus 2010 (CAP POS), serta sudah harus diterima Panitia selambat-lambatnya tanggal 27 Agustus 2010, ditujukan kepada: Ketua Panitia Seleksi Penerimaan CPNS Kemlu TA 2010 PO BOX 2902 JKP 10029 (untuk PDK)

PO BOX 2903 JKP 10029 (untuk BPKRT) PO BOX 2904 JKP 10029 (untuk PK) PO BOX 2900 JKP 10029 (untuk Dokter)

c. Setiap Pelamar hanya diperkenankan mengirimkan satu berkas lamaran dan mendaftar hanya untuk satu kategori seleksi PDK, BPKRT, PK atau Dokter.

d. Registrasi online baru akan diproses setelah Panitia menerima berkas lamaran yang disampaikan melalui Pos Tercatat.

e. Panitia hanya menerima berkas lamaran yang disampaikan melalui PO BOX tersebut di atas dan tidak menerima format penyampaian lamaran lainnya.

f. Formulir Registrasi harus dilengkapi dengan melampirkan:

i. Surat Pernyataan Menyetujui Ketentuan dan Syarat yang telah dicetak dibubuhi

meterai Rp. 6.000,00;

ii. Fotokopi KTP yang masih berlaku/Fotokopi Paspor bagi Pelamar dari luar negeri;

iii. Daftar Riwayat Hidup terakhir sesuai dengan format yang telah disediakan;

iv. Satu lembar fotokopi ijazah (D-3, S-1 atau S-2) berikut transkrip nilai yang sudah dilegalisir (cap basah dan tanda tangan asli) oleh Dekan/Direktur Program atau Ditjen Dikti Depdiknas bagi lulusan Perguruan Tinggi Luar Negeri (Surat Keterangan Kelulusan/Ijazah Sementara dapat diterima, dengan syarat Pelamar dapat menyertakan Surat Pernyataan dari Pimpinan Universitas yang menyatakan bahwa pihak Universitas sudah dapat mengeluarkan Ijazah Asli sebelum tanggal 15 Oktober 2010. Bagi Pelamar yang tidak dapat menunjukkan Ijazah Asli, maka yang bersangkutan dinyatakan gugur dan tidak dapat mengikuti Ujian Tahap Akhir);

Catatan: bagi lulusan luar negeri yang memiliki transkrip nilai tidak berskala 4.0

harap melampirkan konversi transkrip nilai dengan skala 4.0 . Bagi Pelamar untuk mengisi formasi Dokter / Dokter Gigi agar melampirkan:

- Fotokopi Ijazah Sarjana Kedokteran berikut transkrip nilai yang telah dilegalisir (cap basah dan tanda tangan asli) oleh Dekan/Direktur Program atau Ditjen Dikti Depdiknas bagi lulusan Perguruan Tinggi Luar Negeri

- Fotokopi Ijazah Profesi dokter berikut transkrip nilai yang telah dilegalisir (cap basah dan tanda tangan asli) oleh Dekan/Direktur Program

- Fotokopi STR yang diterbitkan oleh Konsil Kedokteran Indonesia

- Fotokopi Sertifikat Keteladanan dari pemerintah (bila ada)

- Surat Pernyataan tidak sedang mengikuti PPDS/PPDGS yang telah dicetak dan

dibubuhi materai Rp 6000,-

v. Fotokopi Akte Kelahiran;

vi. Asli surat Keterangan berbadan sehat yang dikeluarkan oleh dokter Puskesmas/RSUD/RSUP/RS TNI/Polri terbaru (3 bulan terakhir);

vii. Fotokopi tanda pencari kerja (kartu kuning Kemenakertrans) yang masih berlaku;

viii. Asli Surat Keterangan Catatan Kepolisian (SKCK) yang masih berlaku;

ix. Pas foto terakhir ukuran 4x6 cm (berwarna) sesuai dengan kriteria foto sebanyak 3 lembar: 1 lembar foto ditempel di formulir lamaran dan 2 lembar lainnya ditulisi

nama Pelamar di bagian belakang foto

Catatan: Bagi pelamar yang bertempat tinggal di luar negeri persyaratan pada butir vi

sampai dengan viii harus dapat dipenuhi pada saat daftar ulang apabila

dinyatakan lulus pada ujian seleksi tahap terakhir.

g. Lamaran beserta lampiran tersebut pada butir (f) disusun rapi sesuai urutan di atas dalam map kertas jepit berlubang dengan warna:

i. Biru untuk Pelamar PDK berijazah S-1;

ii. Kuning untuk Pelamar PDK berijazah S-2;

iii. Hijau untuk Pelamar BPKRT;

iv. Merah untuk Pelamar PK ; dan

v. Putih untuk Pelamar Dokter.

h. Map lamaran beserta lampiran dimasukkan dalam amplop warna coklat dan ditulis pada pojok kiri atas kode lamaran PDK atau BPKRT atau PK atau Dokter.

i. Berkas lamaran yang tidak memenuhi persyaratan tersebut di atas tidak akan diproses.

j. Berkas lamaran yang diterima Panitia menjadi milik Panitia dan tidak dapat diminta

kembali oleh Pelamar.

k. Pelamar diminta untuk tidak melampirkan dokumen-dokumen lain selain yang tersebut pada butir f.


A. Seleksi penerimaan PDK, BPKRT dan PK dilakukan dengan tahapan-tahapan sebagai berikut:

1. Seleksi Administrasi;

2. Ujian Tulis Substansi dalam Bahasa Indonesia dan Inggris (meliputi masalah

nasional, internasional dan pengetahuan umum) dijadwalkan akan dilaksanakan

pada tanggal 4 September 2010 (PDK, BPKRT dan PK). Tempat pelaksanaan

ujian akan ditentukan kemudian;

3. Ujian Kemampuan/Penguasaan Bahasa Inggris atau Bahasa Asing Lainnya (Arab,

China, Inggris, Jepang, Perancis, Rusia, Jerman dan Spanyol) berdasarkan pilihan

peserta, dijadwalkan akan dilaksanakan pada tanggal 7 – 9 Oktober 2010. Tempat

pelaksanaan ujian akan ditentukan kemudian;

4. Tes Pemeriksaan Psikologi dan Wawancara Substansi serta Tes Penguasaan

Teknologi Informasi/Komputer dijadwalkan akan dilaksanakan pada tanggal 18 –

22 Oktober 2010. Tempat pelaksanaan ujian akan ditentukan kemudian;

5. Peserta yang lulus pada setiap tahapan ujian akan diumumkan melalui situs;

6. Seleksi dilakukan dengan sistem gugur dan keputusan Panitia tidak dapat

diganggu gugat.

B. Seleksi penerimaan Dokter dilakukan dengan tahapan-tahapan sebagai berikut:

1. Seleksi Administrasi;

2. Ujian Kompetensi Tertulis, dijadwalkan akan dilaksanakan pada tanggal 4

September 2010. Tempat pelaksanaan ujian akan ditentukan kemudian;

3. Tes Pemeriksaan Psikologi dan Wawancara dijadwalkan akan dilaksanakan pada

tanggal 18 – 22 Oktober 2010. Tempat pelaksanaan ujian akan ditentukan



1. Hanya Peserta yang telah melakukan registrasi online dan memenuhi seluruh

persyaratan untuk melamar/persyaratan pendaftaran, yang akan diluluskan dalam

tahapan Seleksi Administrasi. Hasil Seleksi Administrasi dijadwalkan akan diumumkan

pada tanggal 30 Agustus 2010 melalui situs

2. Pelamar yang telah dinyatakan lulus tahapan Seleksi Administrasi diwajibkan untuk mengambil Kartu Tanda Peserta Ujian (KTPU) sebagai syarat mengikuti Ujian Tulis Substansi.

3. KTPU harus diambil sendiri oleh peserta ujian di Pusdiklat Kemlu, Jalan

Sisingamangaraja No. 73, Jakarta Selatan, dengan menunjukkan kartu identitas diri.

Apabila Peserta mewakilkan pengambilan KTPU kepada pihak ketiga, maka diperlukan Surat Kuasa bermeterai dengan menunjukkan kartu identitas diri Peserta dan Penerima Kuasa, serta menyerahkan fotokopi kartu identitas diri dimaksud.

4. Jadwal pengambilan KTPU dijadwalkan akan diumumkan kemudian melalui situs


1. Kementerian Luar Negeri tidak bertanggung jawab atas pungutan atau tawaran berupa apapun oleh oknum-oknum yang mengatasnamakan Kementerian Luar Negeri atau Panitia.

2. Peserta diharapkan tidak melayani tawaran-tawaran untuk mempermudah penerimaan sebagai Calon Pegawai Negeri Sipil Kementerian Luar Negeri.

3. Bagi mereka yang telah dinyatakan lulus hingga tahapan terakhir seleksi, tetapi

mengundurkan diri diwajibkan mengganti biaya yang telah dikeluarkan Panitia sebesar Rp 15.000.000,- ( Lima Belas Juta Rupiah) untuk PDK dan Dokter dan Rp

10.000.000,- (Sepuluh Juta Rupiah) untuk BPKRT dan PK.

4. Lamaran yang dikirimkan kepada Kementerian Luar Negeri sebelum pengumuman ini dianggap tidak berlaku.

5. Informasi resmi yang terkait dengan Seleksi Penerimaan CPNS Kemlu 2010 hanya dapat dilihat dalam situs Para Pelamar disarankan untuk terus memantau situs dimaksud.

Jakarta, 6 Agustus 2010




Lowongan PT Bank BRI Syariah Cabang Yogyakarta


PT. Bank BRISyariah Cabang Yogyakarta membuka kesempatan kepada Profesional Handal yang berpotensi untuk mengisi posisi :

1. Marketing Manager (MM)

• Usia maksimum 35 tahun, pendidikan formal minimum S1 segala jurusan.
• Pengalaman minimum 3 tahun sebagai Marketing Manager
Mengkoordinasikan dan mensupervisi teamwork dalam kegiatan pemasaran cabang untuk pencapaian target secara efektif dan efisien.

2. Account Officer (AO)

• Usia maksimum 30 tahun, pendidikan formal minimum S1 segala jurusan.
• Pengalaman minimum 3 tahun sebagai Account Officer di Perbankan.
• Bersedia untuk bekerja dalam status kontrak minimum 1 tahun.
Mempersiapkan dan melaksanakan rencana atas account pembiayaan dan menetapkan prioritas pembinaan account pembiayaan untuk mencapai portofolio pembiayaan yang berkembang, sehat, dan menguntungkan.

3. Funding Officer (FO)

• Usia maksimum 30 tahun, pendidikan formal minimum S1 segala jurusan.
• Pengalaman minimum 3 tahun sebagai Funding Officer di Perbankan.
• Bersedia untuk bekerja dalam status kontrak minimum 1 tahun
Melakukan kegiatan pemasaran pproduk dana dan jasa untuk mengoptimalkan bisnis Kantor Cabang.

4. Supervisor Layanan Operasi (SPV OPS)

• Usia maksimum 35 tahun
• Pendidikan formal minimum S1 segala jurusan diutamakan Sarjana Ekonomi, Akuntansi, dan Manajemen Informatika.
• Pengalaman minimum 1 tahun sebagai Supervisor Layanan Operasi di Perbankan atau minimum 3 tahun sebagai petugas Teller, Petugas Costumer Service (CS), dan Petugas Administrasi (Back Office)
Mengkoordinasikan pelaksanaan operasional bank dalam rangka mendukung pertumbuhan bisnis dengan cara memberikan layanan sehingga transaksi dari nasabah di Kantor Cabang dapat diselesaikan dengan baik.

5. Teller & Customer Service (CS)

• Usia maksimal 25 tahun, pendidikan formal minimum S1 segala jurusan
• Penampilan menarik
• Tinggi dan berat badan proporsional
• Diutamakan yang berpengalaman dibidangnya.

Kirim lamaran langsung ke Alamat:
PT Bank BRISyariah Cabang Yogyakarta
Jl. Yos Sudarso No. 1 Kotabaru Yogyakarta

Paling lambat tanggal 20 Agustus 2010.

UN Vacancy - FAO : National Programme Officer

United Nations World Food Programme
Vacancy Announcement

World Food Programme, Indonesia invites applications from the eligible
candidates for the following position:

Position: National Programme Officer (Food and Nutrition Security
Field Analyst)
Contract Type: Special Service Agreement
Duration: 3 months with possibility for extension
Duty Station: Jakarta, Indonesia

Accountabilities: Within assigned Country-Office and under direct
supervision of a lead international consultant and supported by the UNICEF
and WFP team, the NPO will be responsible for the following duties:

1. Conduct interviews with WFP, UNICEF and key partners.
2. Review the existing WFP and UNICEF conceptual frameworks and
analytical approaches underpinning the analysis of household vulnerability
to, impact of, and recovery from shocks.
3. Examine and analize existing systems (joint and individual), joint
studies, assessments, a sample of reports and any other relevant method of
collaboration related to the monitoring and reporting on food and
nutrition security.
4. Create a list of all data sources used by the GoI, WFP and UNICEF.
Conduct an analysis of their accuracy and validity and, in particular, of
food security indicators.
5. Complete an inventory of indicators.
6. Using the existing data, design methods and draft a Food and
Nutrition Security Profile.
7. Identify gaps and make recommendations on data collection,
processing, analysis and reporting.
8. Identify ways and means to strengthen and expand collaboration in
monitoring the impacts of crises on vulnerable households to inform policy
and programs.
9. Perform other duties as required.

Qualifications and Experiences:
University degree in nutrition or related discipline, Masters
degree preferred.
At least 5 years of professional experience in the field of food
security, nutrition, vulnerability analysis and in depth knowledge of
these topics within the country context.
Strong analytical and statistical skills to assess and analyze the
data and information available in the country. This includes ability to
use standard statistical packages such as SPSS and STATA, etc.
Ability to work independently and on deadline.
Excellent written and oral communication skills in English.
Excellent record of sharing information and knowledge within
colleagues, managers and clients.
Fluency in both oral and written English and Bahasa Indonesia.

Only candidates meeting the above requirements are requested to apply.
Female candidates are especially encouraged. Interested applications
should send a letter of introduction and interest, detailing how you are
qualified for this position and a copy of an updated CV in English should
be sent by e-mail to:

Applications should be received no later than 22 August 2010. Please state
the title of the post in the email subject.

“Only short-listed candidates will be contacted”

Lowongan GIS : Sistem Informasi Manajemen Risiko Bencana (DRMIS)

Pusat Riset Tsunami dan MItigasi Bencana, (TDMRC) memebutuhkan Staf untuk bekerja dalam pengembangan Sistem Informasi Manajemen Risiko Bencana (DRMIS) dengan kriteria sebagai berikut :


1. Minimum sarjana (S1) dalam bidang Geoinformatics, komputer, telekomunikasi atau bidang yang relevan.
2. Pengalaman dalam menggunakan ArcGIS, MapServer, ArcIMS, ArcSDE, Geodatabase.
3. Pengalaman dalam pembangunan aplikasi-aplikasi Web GIS.
4. Pengalaman dalam membuat laporan teknis dan manual user.
5. Bersedia dan mampu bekerja keras dalam kondisi ketat waktu.

Tanggung Jawab:

1. Membantu disaster risk management information system (DRMIS) advisor untuk membangun DRMIS.
2. Membuat program aplikasi DRMIS berbasis Web GIS.
3. Membangun Prototipe DRMIS sesuai dengan kebutuhan stakeholder.
4. Mempersiapkan FGD, workshop dan sosialisasi DRMIS.
5. Menyiapkan dan menyerahkan laporan mingguan dan bulanan kepada manager divisi dan DRMIS advisor, membuat ringkasan kegiatan selama seminggu/sebulan dan menyiapkan rencana kegiatan untuk minggu/bulan depan.

Lamaran diajukan pada alamat :

NGO Vacancy - Office Manager

SCALING UP FOR MOST-AT-RISK POPULATIONS II (SUM II) is an USAID funded program that will provide targeted assistance in organizational performance required to scale-up effective, integrated HIV/AIDS interventions that lead to substantial and measurable behavior change among Most-at-Risk Populations (MARPs) in targeted location in Indonesia. The project is managed by Training Resources Group, Inc. The organizational performance topics include accountability, administration, advocacy, finance, governance, knowledge management, leadership, management, monitoring and evaluation, networking, partnership, policy development, resource mobilization, strategic planning and transparency. SUM II will provide and monitor small grants to qualified civil society organizations to support the scale-up of integrated interventions in “hotspots” where there is a high concentration of one or more MARP and high-risk behavior is prevalent.
SUM II is currently seeking qualified individuals with experience in HIV/AIDS and Local stakeholders issues for following positions

1. Office Manager

Location : Jakarta Office
Report to : Finance and Administrative Officer
Summary of Responsibilities:
The Office Manager is a member of the project support team for SUM II, under direct supervision of the Finance and Administrative Officer. S/He is responsible for the overall daily management of Jakarta and regional offices for all the project and office administrative staff and its functions, including the role as the office receptionist. Her/his responsibility includes managing staff’s timesheets, office hours, holidays and staff leave and asset inventory. Project administrative role includes arranging project events (workshops, seminars, etc.) and travel of the project staff. Under this contract, the Office Manager will be an employee of RTI International under the SUM II project.
1. Supervise and manage SUM II support staff in their daily responsibilities
2. Direct responsibility for providing management advice on issues related to SUM II expenses in coordination with the Finance and Administration Assistant
3. Coordinate with Finance and Administration Assistant in managing SUM II daily expenses
4. Conduct procurement as required (office supplies, etc.) to ensure compliance with USAID regulations and procedures
5. Arrange and manage travel for project staff and its counterparts as required
6. Assist Jakarta and regional Jakarta offices to arrange project events
7. Ensure that office procedures are adhered to by SUM II staff, this includes office hours, holiday and staff fringe benefits (insurance, leave, etc.)
8. Manage, and communicate administrative issues regularly with SUM-II staff
9. Manage project staff’s timesheets and short-term consultants’ daily logs
10. Maintain, record and file all files related to official documents related to project
11. Maintain up-to-date inventory of SUM II equipment


1. Experience in supervising support staff from administration related backgrounds and professions;
2. Skills and ability in managing a good office environment;
3. USAID project related experience required;
4. Able to communicate verbally and in writing in English and Indonesian;
5. Able to work under pressure and able to take some initiative by managing staff to complete or help in performing their duties;
6. Good team-work and participatory skills;
7. Knowledge of Indonesian labor laws and regulations;
8. Minimum S1 degree with three years experience in administration
9. Good computer skills, including internet and email
Please send your Curriculum Vitae and cover letter (including salary history) to (with the position title in the subject line), by 5pm, Tuesday, 23 August 2010. Only shortlisted candidates will be contacted.




(1 Post)

Duty Station : Mataram
Duration : 1 year (possibility extension based on performance)
Closing date : 28 August 2010

Management and Reporting

The Administration Assistant will work under day to day supervision of Programme Coordinator for Lombok and Bali


The Administration Assistant is responsible for supporting the Provincial Biogas Programme Officer in the day to day office running, including :


1. Record incoming and outgoing correspondence.
2. Record incoming and outgoing warehouse stock.
3. Type drafted letters or any other drafted documents required.
4. Assist in photocopying, scanning, faxing documents.
5. Support logistic matters of meetings and events (such as food order, sending invitations and follow up confirmation, registration desk, etc.).
6. Support in any other logistic and procurement matters (find quotations and prepare purchase and/or bidding documents).
7. Copy CD/DVD and other digital material.
8. Record daily financial transaction
9. Prepare vouchers for general journals as requested by Finance Officer
10. Update contact lists and manage the name cards holder.
11. Prepare and process monthly timesheets of all IDBP team members.
12. Performs other duties as assigned by Provincial Coordinator


1. Relevant education, administration skills, finance/accounting background or experience
2. Competency in Microsoft Office Software (MS Word, MS Excel) and E-mail.
3. Ability to work effectively as part of a team.
4. Fair proficiency in English.

Work experience :

Minimum of 2 years relevant work experience in office administration and financial clerical task.

Information :

Applicants should send a CV and a cover letter to: with reference code 'vacAdminBiogasMataram'. Applications are requested by 28 August 2010; thereafter the position will remain open until filled. This post only opens for Indonesian nationality only. Only short listed candidates will be contacted.

NGO Vacancy - Plan


Plan is an international child-centered community development organization without religious, political or government affiliation. Plan’s vision is a world in which all children realize their full potential in societies that respect human rights and dignity.
Plan Indonesia is looking for highly qualified and committed Indonesian, to fill several positions:

People & Culture Manager
(Based in Jakarta)

The People and Culture Manager will provide leadership and strategic direction to the people management in Plan Indonesia. Advise and guide the country management team, including all supervisors in the areas of staffing, performance management, compensation & benefits and related aspects of employee relations and employment service policies

Skills and qualifications:

· Bachelor degree in Management, Psychology or Law, a master degree in this field will be and advantage.
· Ten years experience (of which five years should be in management) working in people management, exposure to working in the NGO development sector particularly those working with children would be an advantage.
· Good understanding of people issues in the development context
· Excellent knowledge of current Indonesian labor law
· Good in leadership, high integrity, and developing personality
· Excellent communication and interpersonal skills
· Good computer skills (Windows environment)
· Good command of spoken and written English

Recruitment Coordinator
(Based in Jakarta)

The Recruitment Coordinator will be responsible for maintenance of job profiles, coordinating recruitment and selection.

Skills and qualifications:

· Bachelor degree in Management, Administration or other Social Sciences, majoring in human resources management or psychology will be an advantage
· Minimum 3 years relevant experience in the recruitment process and develop the recruitment system for both senior and entry level positions. Experience in Non Government Organization would be an advantage
· Certified in conducting the recruitment assessment / test tools would be an advantage
· Good command of spoken and written English
· Willing to travel to the remote areas

All applications will be treated in confidence. Only short-listed candidates will be notified and invited for selection/interviews. Please submit your letter of application and detailed curriculum vitae in English not later than 27 August 2010 to: Email:
Please fill the 'subject' column of the e-mails in this format: (The Position)–(Your Name). File attachment not later than 1MB.
Plan is an equal opportunity employer. Qualified women are encouraged to apply. As an international child-centered development organization, Plan does not tolerate child abuse. If you would like to know more about Plan International please visit our website at

Friday, August 13, 2010

NGO Vacancy - Organizational Development Officer

Position Title: Organizational Development Officer

Report to: Program Manager of Spanish Red Cross

Based in: Jakarta and travel frequently to North Sumatera and Central

Date of Hire: 4th October 2010.

Type of contract:

- Fixed Term Contract (6 months as initial period with possibility
to be extended).

- Contracted through PMI, under the salary scale agreed between PMI
and Spanish Red Cross.


§ To work closely with PMI OD Division and SRC Programme Manager to monitor
and assess OD strengths and weaknesses of the chapter and branches.

- Keep informed constantly about progress and troubles the PMI OD
Division and the Spanish Red Cross Program Manager.

§ Promote branch development through building their human, financial and
operational structures and resources.

§ Working closely with other sector programs, ensure that appropriate OD &
capacity building support is integrated with all program sectors.

§ With guidance and mentoring from the SRC Programme Manager, develop an
increasing understanding of the OD/CB needs of the PMI KALTENG and SUMUT
Chapter and branches and ways in which the SRC can provide support and
assistance which will meet these needs.

§ Working closely with the chair and relevant board members, monitor and
assess OD strengths and weaknesses of the chapter and branches. Advocate and
facilitate appropriate interventions that address identified gaps to
maximize program delivery.

- To gather information, to summaries and write reports, depending on the
- To elaborate the reports for the PMI/Spanish Red Cross HQ in the way
required and in English language.

§ To promote understanding in the chapter, branches and civil society more
generally of the Principles of the Red Cross/Red Crescent.

§ To coordinate and arrange meetings; preparing agendas, reserving and
preparing facilities and produce minutes and reports for the Program

§ To facilitate relations between the Program Manager and PMI and other
institutional colleagues by acting as a translator in Bahasa Indonesia and

§ To translate written documents from English to Bahasa Indonesia and vice

§ To coordinate schedules to promote effective and efficient OD/CB support.

* *


University degree, Experience of working/volunteering for PMI or the Red
Cross/Red Crescent Movement *(REQUIRED). *Two-year experience in a
humanitarian aid organization in a developing country.Qualifications or
experience in development studies or a related area. Self-supporting in
computers (Windows, spreadsheets, word processing). Language fluent spoken &
written English. Experience in building organisational capacity and
facilitating organisational change. Experience of managing & supporting
staff. Experience of planning, writing & evaluating project proposals.
Administrative knowledge. Strong skills in groups coordination, facilitate
workshops, etc. Be able to work independently. Experience working with
volunteer staff. Strong communication skills.

Please submit your application, curriculum vitae (with salary expectation)
not later than 29 August 2010, to or Spanish
Red Cross, Gedung Wisma PMI, Lantai 6, Jl. Wijaya 1 No.63, Kebayoran Baru
12170, Jakarta Selatan. Write the title and *position title as the email
subject* or on the top left hand corner of the envelope. Only applications
in English and short listed candidates will be notified. DKI Jakarta
resident are strongly urged to apply.

Lowongan NGO : Guru

Human Resources Department (HRD) Getsempena Banda Aceh membutuhkan tenaga staf yang akan ditempatkan di STKIP Bina Bangsa Meulaboh dengan posisi :
1. Ketua Prodi Matematika
2. Ketua Prodi Biologi
3. Ketua Prodi Pendidikan Guru Sekolah Dasar (PGSD)

Persyaratan Umum :
1. Pendidikan Terakhir Minimal S2 yang linier dengan prodi dan diutamakan S3.
2. Bagi S2 bersedia melanjutkan pendidikan ke jenjang S3 dengan ikatan dinas.
3. Lebih disukai bagi yang telah memiliki pengalaman sebagai Sekretaris Prodi.
4. Membuat surat pernyataan tidak sedang terikat kontrak kerja dengan instansi atau lembaga lain.
5. Memiliki visi dan misi untuk memajukan dunia pendidikan.
6. Bersedia ditempatkan di Meulaboh (Aceh Barat).

Persyaratan Lamaran :
Surat Lamaran Kerja
• CV
• Pasfoto Warna 4 x 6 (1 lembar).
• Foto Copy Ijazah Legalisir (S1, Akta IV dan S2)
• Foto Copy Transkrip Nilai Legalisir
• Foto Copy KTP (1 lembar)
• Surat Pernyataan Bermaterai 6000 (1 lembar)

Dikirimkan kepada :
HRD Director Yayasan Pendidikan Getsempena Banda Aceh
Jln. Tentara Pelajar Lr. Dahlia No.5 Merduati Banda Aceh
Telp. / Fax : (0651) 32114


Lamaran diterima paling lambat tanggal 23 Agustus 2010

NGO Vacancy - Caritas Switzerland (CACH) : Finance and Administration Officer

Caritas Switzerland (CACH) is an international non-government organization (INGO) with sound experience in the field of post disaster relief operations. Caritas Switzerland is implementing projects in Indonesia since 2005 in Sumatra, Java and Bali.

Currently Caritas Switzerland Meulaboh, is seeking a “Finance and Administration Officer” who is qualified and highly motivated.

Required Qualifications:
· BA degree (S1) in Accounting, Business Administration experience or in other relevant fields.
· At least 4 years of professional experience in office administration (finance, logistic, procurement, HR), preferably with INGOs.
· Strong organizational, communication and interpersonal skills
· Computer skills are required: MS Office Package and Internet
· Fluency in spoken and written English

Summary of Main Duties

· Oversee the smooth flowing of routine, administrative and office procurement work of the Caritas Switzerland Meulaboh office
· Administer the bookkeeping folders with all receipts and supporting documents; includes initiating and booking all transactions to the accounting programme and monthly forecasting
· Organize all Transport and Accommodation arrangements for local, international staff and guests
· Maintain the Caritas Switzerland Meulaboh filing system
· Ensure regular financial reporting for HQ in coordination with the Medan Office
· HR-Administration in coordination with the Medan Office
· Ensuring good Communication with Caritas Staff and Stakeholders

The Finance and Administration Officer has the responsibility for the general administration and financial support for the Caritas Switzerland Office in Meulaboh. The Finance and Administration Officer will report to the Program Manager and collaborate closely with the Office Manager in Caritas Switzerland Medan.

Reporting directly to: Chief Delegate of ACEH

Location of work: Meulaboh/Aceh Barat, Aceh Province
Closing Date of Application: 15.8.2010
Expected start of work: 1.9.2010
Duration of assignment.: 6 months (extendable for another year)

Interested candidates are invited to submit their complete application to:

Only qualified candidates will be contacted !

FAO Vacancy : Office Assistant

All applications should be addressed to:

Operations Support Unit
Office of the FAO Representative in Indonesia,
11th floor Menara Thamrin Building
Jalan M.H. Thamrin Kav.3 Jakarta 10250

Location : FAO Project Office, 6th floor, Directorate of Animal Health, Building
C, Ministry of Agriculture, Ragunan, Jakarta, INDONESIA

Application Deadline : 22-Aug-10
Type of Contract : Other
Post Level : Other
Languages Required :
Duration of Initial Contract : 3 months with possibility of extension


I. Organizational Context

Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) is a United Nation agency which provides
technical assistance in Indonesia. One of our projects since 2006 provides
support for the control of Avian Influenza, in cooperation with national and
regional Indonesian government livestock authorities. Project activities are
conducted in various locations nationwide.

Under the overall supervision of the FAO Representative, the Project Manager and
under the guidance and direct supervision of the Office Manager, the Office
will provide overall support to the Office Manager in the FAO / GOI
HPAI Control Programme office, for the administration and execution of varied
and inter-related operational and logistical activities.

Duties and Responsibilities
II. Functions / Key Results Expected

Summary of key functions:

* Draft routine correspondences, memoranda and reports under the direction of
the Office Manager.
* Assist in the filing of documents and maintaining an organized document
archive system

* Assist in managing outgoing and incoming mail related to official project
documents and facilitate communication with the MOA/GOI.
* Maintain the official office calendar.
* Assist in arrangements for meetings/trainings, including facilities,
documentation, participants.
* Assist in scanning, copying, and facsimile transmission of official
* Manage office inventory system related to office supply stock.
* Assist in managing office supplies (kitchen, stationary, equipments, etc).
* Liaise with logistic assistant for storage systems, office logistic
maintenance and repair.
* Assist in office events and creation of displays.
* Undertake other necessary duties and responsibilities as required III. Impact
of Results

The key results have an impact on the success of FAO/ GOI Avian Influenza
Control Programme implementation in Indonesia.

IV. Competencies

* Demonstrates commitment to FAO vision, mission and values;
* Displays cultural, gender, religion, race, nationality and age sensitivity
and adaptability;
* Contributes effectively to team work and team outcomes;
* Consistently approaches work with energy and a positive, constructive

* Demonstrates openness to change and ability to manage complexities;
* Ability to manage conflicting priorities and work under pressure of tight and
conflicting deadlines;
* Ability to work with minimum supervision
* Demonstrates strong oral and written communication skills as well as
interpersonal and public relation skills;

Required Skills and Experience
V. Recruitment Qualifications


* Bachelor or University degree in administration or related issueExperience:

1. Minimum two (2) years progressive secretarial and administrative works
experience in a development project
2. Proficiency in MS Office particularly Word, Excel and Power Point
3. Excellent typing abilityLanguage Requirements:

* Fluency in Bahasa Indonesia and good command of writing and speaking English

Vacancy - PT. Danareksa (Persero) : Programmer

PT. Danareksa (Persero) was established in 1976 as the State-Owned with the main goal for introduce capital market in Indonesia. Currently, we are leading investment banks and good institutions in Indonesia with main business in the Investment Bank, Service in the Bond and Equity Markets, Investment Management, and Finance Treasury. And now we look for individuals to work together to build the capital market in Indonesia.

(Jakarta Raya)


1. Minimal D3 in Information Technology field.
2. Have good interpersonal ability.
3. Good personality.
4. English and Computers.
5. Minimum 1 year experience and proficient using Visual Basic, VB.Net
6. Willing to work hard and target oriented.
Submit application with supporting documents and a recent photo before 25th August 2010. Write the job code (Programmer) on the top of the left envelope or in the subject email to:

Human Resources Division
PT. Danareksa (Persero)
Jl. Medan Merdeka Selatan No. 14
Jakarta 10110

NGO Vacancy - SurfAid International : Training Officer


SurfAid International is a nonprofit organization dedicated to the alleviation of human suffering through community-based health programs. We perform our work in isolated regions connected to us through surfing and are professional, highly energized, innovative and youthful in our outlook. Our main program areas are Community Based Health, Emergency Preparation, Environmental Health and Malaria prevention.

We are now seeking a high caliber Training Officer, to be based in Nias. The Training Officer will report to the Program Manager and work as a leading member of the program management team.

The role is responsible for the preparation and delivery of training for all SurfAid programs in order to build capacity and enable better delivery of quality programs to the communities SurfAid works with. Interaction with SurfAid staff and program beneficiaries is important together with a detailed understanding of community issues. In conducting his/her duty and responsibility, field visits will be frequent and the Training Officer will work closely with other team members and the Program Manager.


The successful applicant will hold a university degree (in social sciences, community development, people management, psychology or education) and have at least five years relevant working experience. Fluency in written and spoken English and excellent communication skills is essential.

Additionally the successful applicant should possess experience in:

1. Working with an NGO in community development and behaviour change

2. The role of trainer and coaching

3. Participatory adult learning

4. Indonesian region and health systems

5. Nias and/or Mentawai culture, history, health habits and beliefs

6. Developing module based training and participatory multi-media development, (posters,
graphics, drama, video etc)

SurfAid International provides a competitive salary and benefits package for the successful candidate. Please send your cover letter and your CV to the HR Manager at
by August 17, 2010.

We look forward to receiving your application!

NGO Vacancy - ALERTAsia Foundation

Clinical Laboratory Technologist (1 person)
Lumajang, East Java, Indonesia

ALERTAsia Foundation, a not-for-profit foundation on research grant management
in biomedical research, has an open position at the Eijkman-Oxford Clinical
Research Unit for Clinical Laboratory Technologist for Malaria study to assist
its Clinical Laboratory team based in Lumajang, East Java. The ideal candidate
should have experience in CBC and Blood Chemistry Analysis and must have formal
academic training (S1) in Biology Sciences or similar practices.

Desirable Criteria:

· Availability immediate or within 30 days of selection
· At least 3 year experience as Laboratory Technician
· Record of work in medical research field
· Functional ability in English language, spoken and written.

The selected candidate will receive remuneration package that includes annual
leave, sick leave, THR, JAMSOSTEK and fully paid income tax. The salary shall be
competitive & dependent upon qualifications and salary history.

Completed applications should be sent to the Operations Manager, ALERTAsia
Foundation, Jakarta via e-mail (not bigger than 75kb) to:
Please quote the reference “Clinical Laboratory Technician” on the subject, and
indicate your last salary history in your application. This is an immediate
The closing date for applications is 20 July 2010

NGO Vacancy - Swiss Labour Assistance : Field Engineers

Swiss Labour Assistance is an international humanitarian Swiss non-governmental
organization funded in 1936 andfocused on the empowerment of the Trade Union and
on fulfilling people’s most important needs.Swiss Labour Assistanceis currently
working in Padang Pariaman District (Nagari Sicincin) for supporting the most
affected communities by the Earthquake September 30th, 2009 . In addition to
other project, SLA will support the community in safe rehabilitation process by
providing technical support to the Pokmas facilitator.

SLA seeks motivated and experienced candidates to fill the position of: 4
Field Engineers (Reference: SLA - FE)

Job Location Nagari Sicincin, Padang Pariaman
Duration of the contract 6 months
Starting Date 01st October 2010
Closing Date for Applications 01st September 2010
Line Managers Senior Engineer

General Duties:

The Field engineer will be responsible in supporting the rehabilitation process
of private households in the area of the Kecamatan 2x11 Enam Lingkung. Does
support will be provided by supporting the Pokmas facilitator. In addition she /
he will support the training of skilled and unskilled worker and the
construction of Community WASHUnits in the area of Nagari Sicincin.

Specific Duties:

* Provide additional technical training to Pokmas facilitator
* Provide technical support to facilitators and households
* Support and monitor of the rehabilitation process for private households
at Kecamatan 2x11 Enam Lingkung
* Support training of skilled and unskilled worker in Nagari Sicincin
* Establish, develop relations, and coordinate work with local
authorities, communities and other key local players
* Establish and maintain biweekly “lessons leaned” meetings with
* Reporting: household specific progress reports and general progress
reports on a weekly and monthly base to the team leader / head of mission

Skills, knowledge and experience

* Degree in civil engineering
* Minimum 3 years of experience in building and construction industry
* Hands-on construction experience in masonry, reinforced concrete and
* Proactive and able to work independently
* Proficient in using Microsoft office
* Fluent in Minangand excellent communication, organization and
prioritization skills
* Demonstrated attention to detail and ability to follow procedures, meet
deadlines and work both independently and cooperatively with team members
* Integrity, motivation for humanitarian work and experience with INGO
will be considerate
* Achiever, persistent, honest, reliable and results oriented, flexibility
and honest

Please submit your application with relevant qualifications, experiences,
reference and a recent photograph in MS Word or PDF format (Max. 300 KB) to:
SLA Human Resources Unit.
Email: Only short-listed applicants meeting the
requirements stated above will be contacted.
SLA believes that staff diversity promotes excellence, and strongly encourages
women to apply.We invite you to learn more about SLA at our web site :

NGO Vacancy - Yayasan BaKTI : Administration/Finance Assistant for Eastern Indonesia Researcher Networks (JiKTI)

Yayasan BaKTI

Administration/Finance Assistant for Eastern Indonesia Researcher
Networks (JiKTI)


1. Eastern Indonesia faces significant development challenges. In terms
of investment climate, service delivery, governance and the local
economy, most eastern provinces under perform the nation as a whole.
Isolation, remoteness, low population density, ethnic and linguistic
diversity, corruption, limited human resource capacity and conflict have
all contributed to the disappointing results of development efforts in
the past.

2. To support local, national and international development actors to
address these challenges, BaKTI has focused on providing platforms for
sharing development knowledge and experience, building bridges and
networks among local reform champions, and supporting these actors to
work together for change. BaKTI has also played a key role in evolving
development approaches that are appropriate and effective for the region.

3. BaKTI’s goal is ‘improved development in eastern Indonesia’, and it
aims to support development actors to achieve this broad goal through a
focus on four specific objectives:

1) Increased collaboration and coordination in development efforts

2) Increased knowledge exchange and adoption of good practices

3) Increased opportunities to influence broader development agendas

4) Local initiatives piloted, expanded and replicated in eastern Indonesia

4. BaKTI facilitates activities and acts as the secretariat for The
Eastern Indonesia Forum (EI Forum) and its two sub-networks: The Eastern
Indonesia Heads of Bappeda Forum, and the Eastern Indonesia Researchers

5. The Eastern Indonesia Researchers Network (Jaringan Peneliti Kawasan
Timur Indonesia/JiKTI) is a network that aims to promote collaborative
efforts to support development activities between researchers in eastern
Indonesia through research and knowledge sharing.

JiKTI’s structure consists of the secretariat, 12 focal points (one in
each province) and JiKTI’s members.

6. In July 2010, The Asia Foundation established a partnership with
BaKTI to support JiKTI’s activities in capacity building and policy
influencing for researchers in eastern Indonesia, in particular those
who are JiKTI members.

7. In supporting JiKTI activities, the recruitment of
Administration/Finance Assistant is needed to support the Program
Officer for JiKTI on a day to day activity.

8. The main tasks of the Administration/Finance Assistant for JiKTI:

Administrative functions:

a) Administering ingoing/outgoing mail and maintaining the general
filing system related to JiKTI under supervision of the Program Officer

b) Supporting data entry for JiKTI databases

c) Supporting Program Officer in logistical stuff including support in
administration, procurement, travel and accommodations arrangements,
communications, and event organizing

d) Working together with BaKTI HR/Admin Officer in making sure that the
procurement system is in compliance with BaKTI’s procurement procedures

e) Monitoring and registering assets/equipment under JiKTI’s program and
in line with BaKTI’s asset registering procedures

f) Other tasks as required to support JiKTI secretariat

Finance functions:

a) Making sure all expenses related to JiKTI have been approved by
designated officer and in accordance with BaKTI’s financial system

b) Preparing and monitoring all advances payment of JiKTI’s activities
in accordance with BaKTI’s financial system procedures and report
regularly to BaKTI’s Finance and Accounting Officer

c) Issuing payment and receipt vouchers related to JiKTI expenses in
accordance with BaKTI’s financial system procedures

d) Transferring and/or depositing fund related to JiKTI’ s program in
accordance with BaKTI’s financial system procedures

e) Preparing bank reconciliation report on monthly basis

f) Working together with BaKTI’s Finance and Accounting Officer in
preparing monthly financial report based on The Asia Foundation’s system
and in compliance with BaKTI’s financial system procedures

g) Other tasks as required to support the finance functions of JiKTI program

9. Requirements of the Administration/Finance Assistant for JiKTI:

a) University degree, majoring in secretarial/administration and/or
equivalent experience

b) Familiar with knowledge management database systems and information

c) Understanding of development issues, local context and dynamics and
sensitivity to culture;

d) Well developed report writing, networking and communication skills;

e) Good team player.

10. The position is based in Makassar, Indonesia. The assignment will
initially be 12 months but with opportunity for extension depending on
performance. The Administration/Finance Assistant for JiKTI will report
to Program Officer for JiKTI and BaKTI Finance and Accounting Officer on
a day-to-day basis.

Please submit your written application including cover letter, CV and
references (at least three names with full contact details) no later
than 19 August 2010 to:

Applications will be treated strictly confidential and only short-listed
candidates will receive responses. Late submissions will not be
considered and phone inquiries will not be accepted.

NGO Vacancy : FRENCH RED CROSS - Programme Assistant



Position title : Programme Assistant
Reporting to : Head of Delegation
Position objective : Programme Assistant supports the internal and external communication of FRC delegation as well as FRC Programme team in maintaining a good management of the programme
Duration : 1 year
Location : Jakarta
Starting Day : 1 September 2010


The French Red Cross (FRC) is part of the global Red Cross / Red Crescent Movement and is present in Indonesia at the invitation of the Indonesian Red Cross (PMI) since the 26 December 2004 tsunami in Nanggroe Aceh Darussalam and Nias Island. Since the very first days after the disaster, FRC has been active in supporting wide range activities on the rehabilitation of infrastructure and reconstruction of housing, school and health facilities.

In the field of long-term development, FRC has broadened its commitment to contribute to the efforts towards the reinforcement of disaster management capacity in Indonesia. As a part of the support, FRC trough its DM Program is now developing Emergency Operational Center (EOC) guidelines for the three EOC buildings that has been built in three provinces Bali, DI Yogyakarta and Jambi.
FRC is also developing another program to support PMI to implement Integrated Community Based Risk Reduction (ICBRR) Program in West Sumatera Province of Indonesia. The program will be started on September 2010.

Within this overall framework, FRC is currently seeking a Program Assistant to support both program and internal activities of FRC.


1. Provides support to the Programme team and Head of Delegation in document and correspondence preparation and follow-ups;
2. Assists the Programme Team in the organization of events and workshop as necessary;
3. Ensures translation and interpreting as needed;
4. Handles minute-taking of meeting and reports;
5. Manages FRC library (storage of incoming and outgoing letters, reference documents and programme documents).
6. Contributes to FRC regular reporting (weekly, monthly) and document publication
7. Under supervision of Head of Delegation and Program manager, supports the development of communication strategy for FRC delegation and programs as required
8. Performs any other work related duties and responsibilities that may be assigned by the Head of Delegation


Preferred university degree in relevant discipline (Public Relations, Law, Communication, marketing, etc.)
Experience producing written documentation for technical and non technical audiences; Experience working with Red Cross movement or International NGO is an advantage; International experience is an advantage
Excellent communication skills both in Bahasa and English, in oral and written; Excellent knowledge in Microsoft Office; Ability to work in a diverse cultural context; Highly organized; Ability to work effectively within a team environment.

Please submit your application with reference "PA-65" to before 20 Aug'10.


Chemonics International Inc., a leading international consulting firm, seeks to fill the following long-term, full-time positions for a project funded by the U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID), Indonesia Changes for Justice (C4J). The primary objective of the C4J project is to improve the performance of Indonesia’s justice system, a prerequisite for good governance and sustained economic growth, through cooperation with the Supreme Court and Attorney General’s Office (AGO) of the Republic of Indonesia.

Specific requirements

The Court Administration Specialist will participate in all court administration and court performance monitoring activities undertaken by C4J Project. Activities will include providing technical assistance and training for judges and court staff on effective court administration, especially relating to court performance monitoring and caseflow management. The person selected for this position will be expected to take on a lead role and to collaborate closely with project staff and the courts on improving public access to information, human resources, budgeting and finance, and implementation of information technology.

The Court Administration Specialist will work with the C4J Chief of Party (COP) and international advisors to maintain technical quality control for all court administration program development and training as well as the socialization of these programs within the Supreme Court and lower courts. She/He will be expected to help ensure that the performance targets and the project deliverables outlined in the project contract are completed in a timely and cost-effective manner.

The Court Administration Specialist is expected to contribute to the project
quarterly reports, annual workplans, and other project reports and deliverables as called for by the occasion.

The Court Administration Specialist will be called upon by the COP to design and implement training programs; undertake assessment trips; initiate, establish assessment criteria, and evaluate the progress of any pilot projects; and suggest needed adjustments based upon the progress made.

The Court Administration Specialist will report directly to the Chief of Party. She/He will prepare regular oral and written progress reports that demonstrate the progress of project activities toward expected results, as well as other reports as required.

Depending on evolving project needs, the Chief of Party may assign other relevant tasks
to the Court Administration Specialist position.


The Court Administration Specialist is responsible for providing technical assistance and training for activities related to a broad range of court management and performance monitoring programs, activities, policies, and procedures and the socialization of those activities for the staff of the Supreme Court and lower courts. The Court Administration Specialist requires a law degree and a minimum of two (2) years experience working with the courts, a law faculty, or for an NGO or project assisting with legal reforms. Experience and familiarity with court processes is strongly preferred. The successful candidate will be comfortable using both quantitative and qualitative information and be able to think analytically and systemically, and reflect that thinking in written documents.

Indonesian citizenship is required. Prior experience with technical assistance projects and work with donor-funded projects is preferred. Written and verbal fluency in English and Bahasa Indonesia is a prerequisite. Strong inter-personal and communication skills are required. Demonstrated skills with software packages such as Word, Excel and PowerPoint are required.

Interested applicants are requested to send a cover letter and resume (references will not be contacted prior the interview) to as soon as possible but no later than 20 August 2010. Please indicate “Court Administration Specialist” in the subject line. Only the strongest candidates will be contacted. No telephone inquiries, please.

This position will be subject to USAID approval and salary scales.

Chemonics International ( was founded in 1975 and is one of the largest U.S. consulting firms providing expertise in developing and emerging-market countries for initiatives financed by the U.S. Agency for International Development.

NGO Vacancy - Mercy Corps Indonesia : Database Specialist

Mercy Corps Indonesia


1. Database Specialist

The Database and Data Analysis Specialist is responsible for managing sets of quantitative and qualitative data and supports in data analysis as well as produces graphs, charts and tables as required. In addition, the Database and Data Analysis Specialist will be responsible to verify sets of data prior to data entry to ensure its validity. The Specialist will be working closely with a team of Field Officers under direct supervision from Project Team Leader.


· Proven experience and familiarity with databases and experience using databases to develop technical reports;

· Experience and capacity to train in how to use the database and database application utilization;

· Excellent problem solving, communication, organizational and interpersonal skills;

· Must work well as a team member and be able to work under pressure and manage multiple tasks to meet deadlines;

· Excellent fluency in verbal and written English;

· Travel will be required.

This position will be as temporary staff for 2 months.

Please send your CV with position applied on the email subject to:

Vacancies will be closed 15 August 2010.

We look forward to hearing from those who are interested in taking this opportunity to grow and develop with us.


Human Resources Department

Mercy Corps Indonesia