Thursday, October 1, 2009



Nomor : 00001.Pm/72/SJP/2009



Departemen Energi dan Sumber Daya Mineral merupakan unsur pelaksana Pemerintah yang mempunyai tugas membantu Presiden dalam menyelenggarakan sebagian tugas pemerintahan di bidang energi dan sumber daya mineral, dengan visi : terwujudnya pengelolaan energi dan sumber daya mineral yang berkelanjutan dan berwawasan lingkungan untuk memberikan manfaat yang sebesar-besarnya bagi kemakmuran rakyat.

Untuk memenuhi tuntutan tersebut di atas Departemen Energi dan Sumber Daya Mineral membuka kesempatan bagi warga negara Republik Indonesia yang berminat menjadi Calon Pegawai Negeri Sipil dan memenuhi kualifikasi pendidikan yang dibutuhkan untuk mengisi lowongan formasi Calon Pegawai Negeri Sipil Tahun Anggaran 200 9 sebagaimana terlampir.

Kami mengundang, putera-puteri terbaik Indonesia yang berminat serta mempunyai kemampuan, integritas, dan komitmen tinggi untuk memberikan pelayanan terbaik kepada masyarakat, sekaligus berkeinginan berperan dalam proses transformasi bangsa menuju masyarakat adil, makmur, dan berperadaban tinggi, kami memberikan kesempatan untuk bergabung bersama di Departemen Energi dan Sumber Daya Mineral.


Informasi lebih lanjut klik link berikut ini :

Pengumuman Pengadaan CPNS DKP Tahun 2009

Pengumuman Pengadaan CPNS DKP Tahun 2009

Departemen Kelautan dan Perikanan

Departemen Kelautan dan Perikanan dalam Tahun 2009 berdasarkan Keputusan Menteri Negara Pendayagunaan Aparatur Negara Republik Indonesia Nomor 254 Tahun 2009 mendapat Tambahan Formasi Calon Pegawai Negeri Sipil ( CPNS ) untuk pelamar umum sejumlah 629 orang, yang akan ditempatkan/ditugaskan untuk mengisi kekosongan jabatan pada Kantor Pusat dan Unit Pelaksana Teknis (UPT) di lingkungan Departemen Kelautan dan Perikanan di seluruh wilayah Negara Kesatuan Republik Indonesia, dengan ketentuan sebagai berikut :


1. Warga Negara Indonesia;
2. Tidak pernah dihukum penjara atau kurungan berdasarkan keputusan pengadilan yang telah mempunyai kekuatan hukum yang tetap karena melakukan suatu tindak pidana kejahatan;
3. Tidak pernah diberhentikan tidak dengan hormat sebagai Pegawai Negeri Sipil, pegawai perusahaan atau pegawai swasta;
4. Tidak berkedudukan sebagai CPNS/PNS atau Calon/Anggota TNI/Polri serta tidak sedang menjalani ikatan kerja dengan perusahaan atau suatu anggota profesi lainnya;
5. Tidak sedang menjalankan pendidikan formal;
6. Berkelakuan baik;
7. Sehat jasmani dan rohani;
8. Tidak menjadi anggota dan atau pengurus partai politik;
9. Usia pada tanggal 1 Desember 2009, serendah-rendahnya 18 tahun dan setinggi-tingginya 35 tahun;
10. Pendidikan:
* Pasca sarjana (S2), dengan Indeks Prestasi Kumulatif (IPK) minimal 3,00;
* Sarjana (S1)/Diploma IV, dan Diploma III, dengan Indeks Prestasi Kumulatif (IPK) minimal 2,50;
* Status akreditasi program studi pada point a dan b minimal B (apabila di dalam ijazah tidak tertera atau mencantumkan status akreditasi maka dibuktikan dengan Surat Keterangan Akreditasi dari Perguruan Tinggi);
* Sekolah Usaha Perikanan Menengah (SUPM) Negeri;
* Khusus yang melamar Jabatan Peneliti, Indeks Prestasi Kumulatif (IPK) minimal = 3,00.

nb :
informasi lebih lanjut klik link berikut :

Pengadaan CPNS Badan POM 2009

Pengadaan CPNS Badan POM 2009


Berdasarkan Keputusan Menteri Pendayagunaan Aparatur Negara Nomor 276 Tahun 2009 tanggal 9 September 2009 tentang Formasi Pegawai Negeri Sipil Badan Pengawas Obat dan Makanan Tahun Anggaran 2009, diumumkan sebagai berikut :

  1. Badan Pengawas Obat dan Makanan RI membuka pendaftaran Calon Pegawai Negeri Sipil untuk mengisi lowongan formasi Badan POM RI Tahun 2009 untuk ditempatkan pada Badan POM RI Pusat dan Balai Besar/Balai POM di seluruh Indonesia.

  2. Persyaratan pelamar meliputi :

  1. Warga Negara Republik Indonesia

  2. Usia per tanggal 1 Desember 2009 :

  • Pendidikan D3 paling tinggi 24 tahun.

  • Pendidikan S1 paling tinggi 26 tahun.

  • Pendidikan Profesi paling tinggi 28 tahun.

  1. Bagi pelamar yang berusia lebih dari persyaratan diatas dan paling tinggi 35 tahun pada saat TMT (terhitung mulai tanggal) 1 Desember 2009 dipersyaratkan memiliki pengalaman kerja terakhir sekurang-kurangnya 2 (dua) tahun mengabdi pada satu instansi atau lembaga swasta yang berbadan hukum yang menunjang kepentingan nasional, terutama berkaitan dengan fungsi Pengawasan Obat dan Makanan (Standardisasi, penilaian, inspeksi, pengujian, penyidikan) atau administrasi pemerintahan. Pada saat pendaftaran harus menyerahkan bukti berupa Fotocopy Surat Keputusan Pengangkatan dan Pemberhentian/Surat Pernyataan masih bekerja dari pimpinan Instansi/Perusahaan dengan menunjukkan aslinya.

  1. Pendaftaran dilaksanakan pada hari Rabu dan Kamis tanggal 30 September dan 1 Oktober 2009 dengan pengambilan nomor antrian mulai pukul 09.00 s/d 14.00 waktu setempat (tidak ada perpanjangan waktu).

  1. Ujian tulis dilaksanakan serentak di Badan POM RI, Balai Besar POM dan Balai POM di seluruh Indonesia pada hari Sabtu tanggal 10 Oktober 2009 mulai pukul 08.00 WIB sampai selesai.

Informasi detil dapat dilihat pada link berita terkait di bawah :


NOMOR : 11196 /KP 00 02/IX/2009

Berdasarkan Keputusan MENPAN Nomor 281 Tahun 2009 tanggal 10 September 2009 tentang Formasi Pegawai Negeri Sipil BATAN Tahun Anggaran 2009, BATAN membuka kesempatan kepada Warga Negara Indonesia, dengan Kualifikasi, Pendidikan, Jabatan dan Lokasi Penempatan yang dapat dilihat pada situs


Warga Negara Republik Indonesia, berkelakuan baik dan tidak pernah dihukum penjara (kurungan), tidak dalam kedudukan sebagai pengurus/anggota parpol, tidak pernah diberhentikan dengan hormat tidak atas permintaan sendiri atau tidak dengan hormat sebagai PNS/Anggota TNI/Polri maupun sebagai pegawai swasta, sehat jasmani dan rohani, tidak buta warna, tidak dalam kondisi hamil dan bersedia tidak hamil selama berstatus sebagai CPNS, tidak berstatus sebagai Calon Pegawai Negeri Sipil (CPNS) / Pegawai Negeri Sipil (PNS).


1. IPK Minimal :
a. 3.00 untuk S2;
b. 2.75 untuk Dokter Hewan/S1/DIV dan DIII.
2. Usia :
a. S2 dan Dokter Hewan : Maksimal 30 tahun pada tanggal 1 Desember 2009;
b. S1 dan DIV : Maksimal 27 tahun pada tanggal 1 Desember 2009;
c. DIII : Maksimal 25 tahun pada tanggal 1 Desember 2009.
3. Berasal dari Perguruan Tinggi dengan program studi sesuai dengan syarat jabatan yang dibutuhkan, dengan Akreditasi minimal B.
4. Lulusan dari Perguruan Tinggi Luar Negeri wajib melampirkan Surat Keputusan pengesahan ijazah dari Direktorat Jenderal Pendidikan Tinggi (DIKTI).


1. Pendaftaran pelamar dibuka mulai tanggal 29 September s/d 13 Oktober 2009 dengan mengisi Formulir Pendaftaran secara On-Line melalui Situs BATAN :
2. Surat lamaran dikirim melalui pos dengan mencantumkan “lamaran dan kode jabatan” yang dipilih pada pojok kiri atas amplop lamaran, ditujukan kepada :

Kepala Badan Tenaga Nuklir Nasional
Kantor Pusat Badan Tenaga Nuklir Nasional,
Jl. Kuningan Barat, Mampang Prapatan,
Jakarta 12710,
Kotak Pos 4390 Jakarta 12043

3. Surat lamaran diterima oleh Panitia Pengadaan CPNS BATAN paling lambat tanggal 18 Oktober 2009
4. Surat lamaran ditulis tangan dan ditandatangani sendiri dengan tinta hitam (tidak boleh diketik), dengan melampirkan berkas/dokumen sebagai berikut:
* Hasil cetakan (print-out) Formulir Pendaftaran On-Line yang telah ditandatangani;
* Daftar Riwayat Hidup ;
* Foto copy Ijazah dan Transkrip Nilai yang telah dilegalisir oleh pejabat yang berwenang, Surat keterangan lulus / Ijazah sementara tidak berlaku;
* Foto copy Ijazah dan Transkrip nilai DIII untuk pelamar lulusan S1 dari program DIII;
* Foto copy Ijazah dan Transkrip nilai S1 untuk pelamar lulusan S2;
* Surat Keterangan Akreditasi untuk yang tidak mencantumkan akreditasi pada ijazah;
* Surat Pernyataan bersedia membayar ganti rugi yang dibuat menurut contoh klik disini ;
* Surat pernyataan tidak hamil dan bersedia tidak hamil selama berstatus CPNS BATAN, bagi peserta wanita klik disini;
* Pas photo berwarna ukuran 3 X 4 cm sebanyak 2 lembar dan 4 x 6 cm sebanyak 2 lembar;
* Foto copy KTP;
* Kartu Tanda Pencari Kerja (Kartu Kuning Asli);
* Foto copy Halaman Judul dan Abstrak Tugas Akhir/Tesis/Disertasi.

5. Panitia akan memanggil maksimal 20 (dua puluh) pelamar dengan ranking IPK tertinggi untuk setiap jabatan, dari PTN / PTS / Program Ekstensi atau program S1 lanjutan dari DIII dengan perbandingan secara proporsional.
6. Panitia berhak menggugurkan peserta apabila data yang diisikan di situs BATAN tidak sama atau tidak memenuhi syarat yang telah ditentukan dan/atau tidak mengirimkan berkas lamaran sesuai yang ditentukan.
7. Pelamar yang dinyatakan lulus seleksi tahap akhir, namun formasi jabatan yang dipilih sudah penuh dapat dipindahkan ke formasi jabatan yang masih tersedia dengan kualifikasi jabatan yang setara dan syarat pendidikan yang sama.
8. Pelamar tidak dipungut biaya apapun. Apabila ada pihak/oknum yang menjanjikan dapat membantu untuk diterima menjadi CPNS BATAN dengan atau tanpa meminta imbalan dalam bentuk apapun, segera menghubungi BATAN melalui pesawat telepon (021) 5204245 dan (021) 5251109, Pes. 383, 366, 384 atau email ke
9. Keputusan Panitia tidak dapat diganggu gugat.


1. Pelamar yang lulus seleksi administrasi akan diumumkan melalui situs BATAN dan sekaligus mendapatkan nomor ujian pada tanggal 21 Oktober 2009.
2. Pelamar yang lulus seleksi Administrasi wajib datang ke Gedung Dewan Riset Nasional (DRN), Kawasan PUSPIPTEK Serpong, Tanggerang (denah) pada tanggal 23 Oktober 2009 pukul 08.30 s/d 16.00 untuk mengambil Tanda Peserta Ujian CPNS BATAN 2009 dengan membawa KTP dan memberitahukan nomor ujian yang telah diperolehnya.
3. Materi Ujian tertulis terdiri dari :
1. Tes Kompetensi Dasar (Tes Pengetahuan Umum, Tes Bakat Skolastik, dan Tes Skala Kematangan)
2. Tes Kompetensi Bidang (sesuai dengan pendidikan pelamar)
4. Tes tertulis akan dilaksanakan pada tanggal 24 Oktober 2009 (tentative) pukul 08.00 s/d selesai.
5. Pelamar yang dinyatakan lulus dalam tes tertulis akan diikutsertakan dalam seleksi tahap berikutnya (jadwal menyusul).

Jakarta, 29 September 2009
An.Ketua Panitia Pengadaan CPNS BATAN
Wakil Ketua


Tyn Isprianto, SH
Nip. 19580820 198503 1 004

nb :
informasi lebih lanjut hubungi :

Vacancy - SERASI : Program Officer

SERASI is a USAID funded project which supports Indonesia's continuing evolution into a peaceful, just and democratic nation with respect for pluralism and protection of human rights for all citizens, accomplished through rapid and flexible programmatic, administrative and logistical support for USAID's strategic grants and technical assistance program to mitigate social conflict and support peace building initiatives nationwide. Our program currently includes activities planned for Aceh, Papua, Sulawesi , and the Malukus. SERASI is implemented by the International Relief and Develop (IRD), an international non-profit organization in Indonesia SERASI seeks individuals for the position of :

Title : SERASI Senior Program Officer

Department : Program

Supervisor : Field Manager Palu

Location : Palu

General Description of Role:

The Senior Program Officer reports directly to Field Manager Sulawesi. The Senior Program Officer demonstrates understanding of key program concepts and contributes regularly to the development of program strategy and guidelines. The Senior Program Officer is providing mentoring support to Program Officers under his/her responsibilities. The Senior Program Officer works in close collaboration with other program team members in carrying out his/her responsibilities.


1.Prepare an annual report summarizing program activities.

2.Work together Field Manager Sulawesi to prepare the program's annual work plan

3.Oversee and coordinate the work of SERASI program officers.

4. Assist Field Manager Sulawesi to ensure appropriate and timely delivery of field based projects.

5. Actively participate in regular program review and decision making meetings.

6. Assist in preparation and application of survey and program management's tools, training materials, and manuals.

7. Serve as a professional representative of SERASI programs at public forums, meetings and with relevant governments at sub-national level.

8.Provide guidance and support to Program Officers in coaching local partners on accurate and timely data collection and conduct internal and external need assessments, monitoring and evaluation.

9.Prepare regular project reports as required by Field Manager Sulawesi.

10.Travel to the provinces on a regular and as-needed basis to assure direct and clear communication with provincial level partners.

11.Oversee the collection of program data and assure that it is collected regularly and consistently throughout all aspects of the program.

12.Facilitate regular communication among program officers.

13.Keep upper management informed of issue, concerns and successes of the program.

14.Perform other duties as assigned by the Field Manager Sulawesi.

Required Qualifications:

Minimum diploma degree in relevant field (relevant experience may substitute the relevant degree). Minimum 3 years working experiences in a similar position in an NGO or an international organization and in community development, work with community based management.

Additional Skills:

Having knowledge of English, both written and spoken, and to be effective communicator, dynamic and creative.
Able to communicate fluently and effectively both verbally and in writing.
Excellent interpersonal skills and able to manage community and working in a multi-cultural workplace.
Able to write program plans, budget and proposals for all future projects of the program.
Must be capable of working both individually and as part of a team.

General Requirements:

Must have a willingness to travel to SERASI field offices for business purposes. Must also have the ability to work effectively in a fast-paced, stressful environment. In addition, must be flexible, willing to perform other duties and work irregular hours.

If you meet the minimum requirements and are interested in applying,please write us email latest by October 5th, 2009 and include a cover letter, CV, 3 references, and your salary history/expectation s to opportunity@

or you may submit your CV electronically. To do so, visit and select "Careers." Then further select "Open Opportunities. " Select the opportunity for which you wish to apply, and follow the instructions. You will be able to upload your CV in WORD format on this site. Other documentation is not required at this time. Only applicants selected for an interview will be contacted. "

No phone calls please. Only short-listed candidates will be contacted.

Vacancy - The Canadian Red Cross (CRC) : Phase-out Coordinator Based: Banda Aceh

The Canadian Red Cross (CRC) is implementing a major community-based
reconstruction and rehabilitation program with the primary focus on shelter
construction project in Aceh Besar, Lamno, Calang and Nias for beneficiaries
affected by Tsunami of December 26, 2004 and earthquake of March 28, 2007.
We are also implementing Livelihood, Environmental Health and Disaster
Preparedness Management programs to help families and communities to improve
their live quality. We are looking for qualified and committed candidates
to fill the following position:

Phase-out Coordinator

Based: Banda Aceh

Standard Function Description:

Reporting to the Country Representative (CR), the Phase-Out Coordinator
will be responsible for coordinating and administering phase-out activities
associated with closure of Canadian Red Cross (CRC) operations in Nanggroe
Aceh Darussalam (NAD), including field offices in Lamno and Calang. This
position will act as a focal point for CRC in NAD to ensure an effective and
coordinated phase out process. Duties include monitoring the phase-out
schedule and application of lessons learned, facilitating adaptation of
plans as needed, ensuring good communication with the CR in Jakarta and
partners in NAD, and supporting documentation of good practices and success

Main Duties

* Ensure effective coordination of activities according to phase out
plan and ensure compliance with CRC, IFRC, donor and ethical standards.

* Monitor progress of phase-out activities in each management unit
and allocate resources in a timely and professional manner to support a
smooth process, paying close attention to implementing lessons learned.

* Ensure good coordination among units, and collaborate with managers
to resolve, in a participatory manner, issues associated with phase-out.

* Keep the CR informed of progress and issues, and engage the CR in
decisions that are of potential consequence or opportunity for CRC.

* Represent the CR locally in supporting coordination within the
Movement and act as a focal point for CRC in NAD in relationships with
Government and the communities as directed by CR.

* Seek opportunities and linkages associated with new programs and
continue to strengthen sustainable outcomes.

* Contribute to the development of final communications, including
documentation of lessons learned for phase-out and documentation of case
studies related to programming.

* Perform other work-related duties and responsibilities, including
written reports, as assigned by the CR.

General Duties

* Respects and observes the staff regulations of the CRC in

* Respects and observes the Code of Conduct of the CRC in Indonesia.

* The employee may be asked to perform duties and task not covered
in this job description as well as to provide support to other departments
when necessary.

Position Qualification:

* Master Level of Education of related subject;

* At least 6 years of directly related experience;
* Advanced demonstrated proficiency in written and spoken English and
Bahasa Indonesia. Ability to communicate in Acehnese an asset;
* Work experience in NAD required;
* Excellent program and people management skills;
* Proven effective problem solving skills;
* Excellent communication skills and proven ability to work with a
range of stakeholders and provide leadership in challenging situations;
* Excellent computer skills including Word, Excel, Power Point;
* Ability to work to deadlines and produce accurate work;
* Self starter with initiative to undertake work with minimal
* Experience in the Red Cross Movement required.

Please Notice: Applications should be sent to recruitment. id@redcross. ca
quoting the Ref code as the subject of the e-mail and indicating the Job
title on the covering letter and the attachment should not exceed 200 Kb.
Only candidate meeting the Essential Qualifications will be considered.
Applications must be received by Friday, October 12, 2009. Canadian Red
Cross gives an equal-opportunity employment regardless of race, gender,
religion, or political affiliations.

Vacancy - Plan Indonesia : Forestry Project Assistant

Plan Indonesia adalah lembaga kemanusian internasional, dan organisasi pengembangan masyarakat yang berpusat pada anak, tanpa afiliasi dengan agama, kepentingan politik dan pemerintah tertentu. Visi Plan adalah terciptanya suatu dunia, dimana semua anak bisa mewujudkan seluruh potensi mereka di dalam masyarakat yang menghormati hak dan martabat manusia.

Kami mengundang generasi muda Indonesia yang jujur, berintegritas tinggi dan memiliki komitmen terhadap pengembangan masyarakat yang berpusat pada anak, untuk bergabung dengan kami sebagai:

Forestry Project Assistant
Penempatan di Grobogan Jawa Tengah

Forestry Project Assistant membantu Forestry Project Coordinator dalam implementasi, monitoring & evaluasi dan administrasi proyek Community Forestry for Sustainable Water resources di level desa.

§ Sarjana Ilmu Kehutanan
§ IPK minimal 3.0 (skala 4)
§ Memiliki pengalaman kerja dalam proyek reboisasi, minimum 2 tahun
§ Mampu melakukan implementasi dan monitoring proyek
§ Memiliki pengalaman memfasilitasi masyarakat
§ Memiliki pemahaman dan sensitivitas terhadap budaya lokal
§ Mau bekerja keras dan dapat bekerjasama dalam tim
§ Dinamis, berjiwa pemimpin, mampu berkomunikasi dan negosiasi dengan baik
§ Memiliki SIM C dan mampu mengendarai sepeda motor.
§ Mampu mengoperasikan program komputer Ms Office (Ms Word, Power Point & Excel)

Plan Indonesia memberi kesempatan yang sama kepada semua pelamar, baik laki-laki dan perempuan. Hanya kandidat yang memenuhi syarat yang akan diundang untuk seleksi.
Kirimkan surat lamaran lengkap (curiculum vitae, photo berwarna 3x4, poto copy ijazah, poto copy transkrip nilai, surat keterangan berbadan sehat dari dokter, dan sertifikat yang relevan) paling lambat pada 13 Oktober 2009 ke: HR Recruitment Plan Indonesia; d/a Gedung Menara Duta lt 6 Wing A Jl. HR Rasuna Said Kav. B-9 Jakarta Selatan, 12920; atau E-mail: HRD.Indonesia@ plan-internation

Sebagai organisasi pengembangan masyarakat yang berpusat pada anak, Plan tidak mentoleransi kekerasan terhadap anak. Jika anda ingin mengetahui lebih lanjut tentang Plan International silahkan kunjungi website kami di www.plan-internatio

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Islamic Relief vacancies - Livelihood staff for Calang

Islamic ReliefWorldwide, a British NGO, is urgently looking for suitable individuals for the following positions to implement a longer term sustainable development
programme in Indonesia.

1. Livelihood Officer: 1 position (Calang, Aceh base, salary 4-5 million IDR per month nett)

General requirements:

3-4+ years of field-based rural community development experience, with a focus on community mobilization, rural livelihoods;
including problem solving; program monitoring and evaluation, and communication and report writing.Managerial experience in program and teamExperience working as part of a multi-disciplinary team.Experience in applied research design, execution, analysis, synthesis, and write-up related to socio-economic and/or environmental issues.BA/S or higher in agriculture, fishery, livestock, social sciences, or other related field. Fluency in English verbal and written communication is essential. Ability to multi-task, follow procedures, meet deadlines and works independently and cooperatively with team members essential. Strong familiarity with Microsoft Word and Excel are mandatory.Candidate must be willing to travel and work in difficult conditions.Candidat e must be willing to work during evenings and weekends for community mobilization activities

2. Livelihood Assistance : 3 position – 2 female (Calang-Aceh base, salary
3-4 million IDR Per month nett)

2+ years of field-based rural community development experience, with a focus on community mobilization, rural livelihoods; including problem solving; program monitoring and evaluation, and communication and report writing.Experience working as part of a multi-disciplinary team.Experience in applied participatory method.Experience in applied research design, execution, analysis, synthesis, and write-up related to socio-economic and/or environmental issues.BA/S or higher in agriculture, fishery, livestock, social sciences, or other related field. Fluent in Acehnese verbal communication is essential.Fluent in English verbal and written communication will be an advantage. Ability to multi-task, follow procedures, meet deadlines and works independently and cooperatively with team members essential. Strong familiarity with Microsoft Word and Excel are mandatory.Candidate must be willing to travel and work in difficult conditions.Candidat e must be willing to work during evenings and weekends for community mobilization activities

Please submit your CV and covering letter and telling us about your previous work experiences and why you think you are suitable for this position, clearly stating what post you are applying for to Islamic Relief Indonesia.

At email: hrislamic@islamic- relief.or. id

Closing date for applications: September 23rd 2009

Female candidates are encouraged to apply

Only short listed applicants will be contacted.

Islamic Relief is striving to be an equal opportunities employer.

Vacancy for Accountant in UMCOR Banda Aceh

The United Methodist Committee on Relief, Non-Governmental Organization
(UMCOR-NGO) (www.umcor-ngo. org) is a
nonprofit organization that provides transitional development and relief assistance
to communities in need around the world. UMCOR-NGO’s Indonesia Mission (UMCOR-Indonesia) is seeking an Accountant
to support its overall financial function, under the direct supervision of
Finance Manager (FM). The Accountant will lead the accounting
function and will assist UMCOR Indonesiato fulfill the financial requirements of UMCORand donor organizations.

Closing Date: 19September2009

Location: Based in Banda Acehwith support provided to fieldoffice in Bireuen
Essential Job Functions:
* Review and check the payment vouchers and other supporting documents of all offices for accuracy, eligibility and completeness;
* Review and check Access generated cash and bank book reports from all offices
against the original documentation;
* Calculate monthly exchange rates for each bank and cash
account for input into the upload speadsheets;
* Upload and consolidate all UMCOR Indonesia cash and bank books into ACCPAC
accounting software;
* Prepare Cash and Bank Reconciliation Statements as well
as Accounts Receivable and Payable Statement for further review and approval;
* PreparepreliminaryT rial Balance, Balance Sheet, Transaction
Listingand other periodic reports for the FM’sand Finance Director’s (FD) review and approval;
* Prepare all necessary journal vouchers and final
accounting entries; ensurecompleteness of all accounts posting, reconciliation & finalization and
their submission to FM&FD in atimely manner;
* Regularly reconcile the balance sheet accounts and follow
up on receivables and payables with the parties involved;
* Maintain the appropriate filing system for all UMCOR
Indonesia vouchers and monthly financial reports;

* Prepare local payroll including calculation of taxes as required by Indonesian Tax Law;
* Assist the FM in formulation ofimprovements toexisting financial system and procedures;
* Assist the FM in development of program budgets/project costing, generating budget vs. actual reports and their circulation to the team;

Required qualifications:
* academic
background in Accounting and/or Finance;
* minimum
3 years of relevant experience in accounting
* excellent knowledgeof Ms. Excel; working knowledge of Ms. Access; experience with computerized accounting softwares, preferably ACCPAC;
* ability to
communicate in spoken and written English;
* previous experience with international NGOs is strongly preferred;
* demonstratednumeric al and mathematical skills;
* demostrated attention to details and ability to produce
accurate work;
* ability
to prioritize, carry out assigned tasks andtake
* team
player with a strong work ethic and strong organizational skills;

To apply for this position please send a cover letter and CV in English
to: UMCOR Indonesia Mission Office, Kompleks TASBI Blok RR 141, Medan 20122 in
Medan.Applicants are encouraged to
applythrough emailatrecruitment@ umcor.or. id by 19th September 2009. “Application for Accountant” should be written on the envelope or as a subject of your e-mail. No phone calls, please. Only shortlisted
applicants will be contacted. Thank you
for your interest in UMCOR-Indonesia.

Best regards,
Angeline Tandiono
Human Resources and Operations Manager
UMCOR Indonesia
Kompleks TASBI Blok RR No. 141 Medan 21022
Tel: (+62 61) 820 1963, 821 5730, 821 5705
Mobile: +62 89 847 009 88
Fax: (+62 61) 821 0186
Email: angeline@umcor.

Vacancy - Muslim Aid

Job Vacancy

Muslim Aid is an international relief and development agency based in London working in over seventy countries since last 23 years helping the disaster and conflict affected people across the world. Our vision is a world of peace, compassion and justice where all people regardless race, religion, cast and creed achieve fulfillment in all aspects of their lives.

Muslim Aid Indonesia is implementing “Small Grant Facilities (SGF) Project” under Aceh Justice Project (AJP) funded by UNDP, is looking for:

Monitoring & Evaluation Officer (1 Position based in Banda Aceh)

Monitoring & Evaluation Officer will work under the direct supervision of Project Manager of SGF Project and work to assist and support the Project Manager to ensure effective and efficient monitoring and evaluation to program implemented by the selected CSOs.

Qualification & Experience:

1. University Degree in relevant field
2. Minimum 2-5 years experience in monitoring and evaluation field
3. He/she must have strong research, critical thinking, and analytical skills
4. Must be able to collate and present information and write a draft reports.

Skills/Knowledge/ Ability:

1. Skills in M&E and data analysis
2. Good interpersonal and communication skills
3. Good IT skills, proficient in Word, Excel and other programs
4. Able to work independently and under supervision and tight deadline
5. Good in spoken and written English, ability to speak Acehnese is an asset
6. Ability to work under own initiative

Applications should be addressed to Human Resource Department, Muslim Aid Indonesia, Jalan T. Bintara Pineung No. 27 Banda Aceh 23116, or email hr_muslimaid. indonesia@ All applications should include a covering letter, updated resume (CV), and two referees which can testify to the candidate’s ability in above mentioned and should be received not later than Wednesday 23 September 2009.

Muslim Aid is an Equal opportunities employer


Vacancy - Horticulture and Agriculture Specialists – East Timor


Horticulture and Agriculture Specialists – East Timor
REF: OS1630.

Cardno Acil is part of a global consulting organisation which manages projects for major donors, delivering aid work in core disciplines such as education, health, HIV and AIDS, governance, resource and environment management and infrastructure. We are seeking horticulture and agriculture specialists for ongoing short term opportunities on an established development project in East Timor, working towards expanding local crop production and trade. We are currently seeking horticulture experts with specialization in: Horticulture Production, Horticulture Training, Post Harvest Horticulture, and Greenhouse Construction.

All positions require either Indonesian or Tetun language skills as well as intermediate English language skills. If you are interested, please email your current CV in English to recruitment@ or call Dewi Sudharta on 021 3983 1811. Closing date of application is 30 September 2009

Wednesday, September 9, 2009



Nomor : 1150/B.02/9/2009

Dalam rangka mengisi Formasi Pegawai Negeri Sipil di lingkungan Kementerian Negara Perencanaan Pembangunan Nasional/Badan Perencanaan Pembangunan Nasional, maka akan dilakukan Seleksi Penerimaan Calon Pegawai Negeri Sipil (CPNS) kepada Warga Negara Indonesia, Pria dan Wanita, dengan kualifikasi Pendidikan dan kebutuhan Formasi Tahun Anggaran 2009 dengan ketentuan sebagai berikut :



Program Studi/Jurusan

Nama Jabatan



Pasca Sarjana (S.2)



1 Orang


Sarjana (S.1)

Hukum Perdata


1 Orang


Sarjana (S.1)

Hukum Tata Negara


1 Orang


Sarjana (S.1)

Hukum Internasional


1 Orang


Sarjana (S.1)

Hukum Administrasi Negara/Tata Usaha Negara


2 Orang


Sarjana (S.1)

Ekonomi Studi Pembangunan


11 Orang


Sarjana (S.1)

Ekonomi Manajemen


2 Orang


Sarjana (S.1)

Administrasi Negara


1 Orang


Sarjana (S.1)

Ilmu Politik


1 Orang


Sarjana (S.1)

Hubungan Internasional


1 Orang


Sarjana (S.1)



1 Orang


Sarjana (S.1)

Sastra Inggris


1 Orang


Sarjana (S.1)



1 Orang


Sarjana (S.1)



1 Orang


Sarjana (S.1)



3 Orang


Sarjana (S.1)

Teknik Informatika


4 Orang


Sarjana (S.1)

Teknik Sipil


2 Orang


Sarjana (S.1)

Teknik Sipil Transportasi


1 Orang


Sarjana (S.1)

Teknik Sipil Sumber Daya Air/Pengairan


1 Orang


Sarjana (S.1)

Teknik Planologi


3 Orang


Sarjana (S.1)

Teknik Industri


2 Orang


Sarjana (S.1)

Teknik Lingkungan


1 Orang


Sarjana (S.1)



1 Orang


Sarjana (S.1)

Teknik Geodesi


1 Orang


Sarjana (S.1)

Perikanan/Perikanan Laut


1 Orang


Sarjana (S.1)

Sosial Ekonomi Pertanian


1 Orang


Sarjana (S.1)

Ekonomi Akuntansi


1 Orang


1 Orang


Diploma III (D.III)


Pranata Komputer

1 Orang


Diploma III (D.III)



1 Orang


Diploma III (D.III)



1 Orang


Diploma III (D.III)

Teknik Sipil

Pengelola Bangunan

1 Orang


Diploma III (D.III)



5 Orang

Jakarta, 9 September 20099

info lebih lanjut klik :

Vacancy - Mercy Corps Indonesia : Project Officer

Mercy Corps Indonesia Open Vacancy


1. Project OfficerMaluku Economic Recovery Program II (MERP II)

Project Officer is responsible for day-to-day implementation of the MERP II project with communities on Ambon and Seram Islands.

· Possess a relevant university degree or college diploma and relevant 2-3 years work experience.
· Experience working with communities and/or economic development projects.
· Fluency in English, both written and spoken, highly desired.
· Effective time management and organization skills including priority setting and responding to program needs.
· Effective interpersonal communication skills including: Problem-solving skills, being proactive and taking initiative

Please send your CV with position applied on the email subject to: hrd@id.mercycorps. org before 13 September 2009.

Thank you,
HR Dept.

Tuesday, September 8, 2009



Kami adalah sebuah group perusahaan perkebunan kelapa sawit yang sedang berkembang pesat dengankantor pusat di Jakarta dan saat ini sedang melaksanakan pembukaan lahan, pembibitan dan penanaman di Propinsi Kalimantan Timur. Informasi mengenai perusahaan dapat dilihat pada www.bimapalma. com

Kami membutuhkan tenaga kerja professional yang handal untuk ditempatkan di Head Office dengan posisi sebagai berikut :


Kualifikasi :

  1. Usia Maks. 27 Tahun
  2. Pendidikan min S1 jurusan akuntansi/manajemen keuangan IPK 3.000
  3. Memiliki pengalaman dan berkesesuaian
  4. Familiar dengan software accounting
  5. Mampu bekerja dengan kondisi di bawah tekanan, bersedia lembur dan bertanggung jawab
  6. Bersedia melakukan perjalanan dinas ke lokasi-lokasi perusahaan


Kualifikasi :

  1. Usia maks. 27 tahun
  2. S1 Akuntansi/Perpajaka n IPK Min 3.00
  3. Memiliki Brevet A&B Perpajakan
  4. Menguasai dengan baik peraturan perpajakan Indonesia (PPH 21, 23, 25, PPH Final dan VAT) dan penerapannya di perusahaan
  5. Pengalaman min. 1 tahun diposisi yang sama (lebih disukai dari perusahaan perkebunan)

Kirim Lamaran dan CV anda dalam Words/pdf format dengan ukuran file maximum 450 kb dengan melampirkan pas foto terakhir dan kode posisi sebagai subject email ke :

HRD Departement


Email : recruitment@ bimapalma. com

Sebelum 18 September 2009

Vacancy - Jogjakarta Plaza Hotel

Job Vacancy Jogjakarta Plaza Hotel

Jogjakarta Plaza Hotel
is now looking for positions as listed below :

1. Sales Executive


* Fluent English both spoken and written is a must, and other language will be an advantage
* Able to work indenpendent and or in a team
* able to work under pressure completed with good communication skill & creative
* Consumer & Target oriented, have a strong motivation and enriched by high confidence
* Have a minimum 2 years experience in the field of service

2. Duty Manager


* Have minimum 1 year work experience at four-stars hotel in similar position
* Fluent English both spoken and written is a must
* Excellent capability to work in a team
* Good interpersonal skill and strengthened by confidence leadership style

3. Food & Beverage Captain


* Male / Female
* Fluent English both spoken and written is a must
* Good looking/ Charming
* Good interpersonal skills and leadership
* Have minimum 1 year experience in similar position at four or five-stars hotel
* Single Max. 28 years old for female, and 25 years old for female
* Ideal posture will be judged as a consideration

The application can be handed through email
hrd@jogja.pphotels. com
or by post
HRD Dept. of Jogjakarta Plaza Hotel
Jl. Affandi-Gejayan, Kompleks Colombo
Yogjakarta 55281
Closing Date: 25-September- 09