Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Lowongan PT Bank Tabungan Negara (Persero)

PT Bank Tabungan Negara (Persero) membuka kesempatan bergabung memajukan bisnis
bagi Anda yang ulet, teliti, mandiri dan kreatif, untuk mengisi posisi :

• Sekretaris (SC)
• Taksatur Advisor (TA)
• Taksatur Officer (TO)

1. Persyaratan Administrasi

SC :
a) D3, Jurusan Sekretaris atau Kehumasan IPK 3,00 (skala 4,00)
b) WNI, Wanita usia maksimal 24 tahun (belum berulang tahun ke-25 per 01 Juni 2009)

TA :
a) S1 semua jurusan
b) WNI, pria / wanita usia maks. 58 tahun

TO :
a) D3, semua jurusan IPK 3,00 (skala 4,00)
b) WNI, pria / wanita usia maks. 28 tahun

2. Persyaratan khusus

SC : Memahami tugas-tugas dasar pekerjaan sekretaris
Mampu mengoperasikan komputer min. Ms Word, Ms Excell, dan Ms Powerpoint
Berpenampilan menarik dan berkepribadian baik.
Belum pernah menikah dan bersedia untuk tidak menikah selama 2 tahun semenjak diterima sebagai pegawai

TA : Berpengalaman sebagai juru taksir minimal 10 tahun
Berpengalaman sebagai Trainer pada bidang penaksiran nilai barang gadai.

TO : Berpengalaman sebagai juru taksir minimal 3 tahun.
Mampu melakukan analisa gadai
Mampu memberikan rekomendasi kelayakan fasilitas gadai.
Teliti dan tertib administratif

3. Persyaratan lainnya

a. Berbadan sehat (dibuktikan dengan surat keterangan dari dokter/klinik/ RS)

b. Tinggi dan berat badan proporsional

c. Bersedia untuk ditempatkan di seluruh unit kerja Bank BTN di seluruh Indonesia

d. Tidak memiliki hubungan keluarga (ayah/ibu/anak/ adik/kakak/ kakak orang tua/ adik orang tua/ kemenakan/ipar) dengan pegawai Bank BTN

Kepada pelamar diminta membuat, menandatangani dan membawa langsung surat lamaran pada tanggal 01 Juni 2009 s.d 06 Juni 2009 mulai pukul 09.00 s.d. 15.00 waktu setempat. Surat lamaran agar dilengkapi dengan :

1. Data Riwayat Hidup dan copy KTP/identitas yang masih berlaku serta copy akta kelahiran.
2. Fotocopy Ijazah dengan daftar transkrip nilai/nilai rata-rata yang telah dilegalisir
3. Pasfoto berwarna uk. 4×6 (2 lembar) dan foto berwarna seluruh badan uk. 4R terbaru (1 lembar).
4. Surat keterangan sehat dengan data Tinggi Badan & Berat Badan dari dokter/klinik/ RS/Puskesmas.
5. Surat pernyataan di atas meterai 6000 mengenai status pernikahan (khusus SC) dan kebersediaan penempatan di seluruh unit kerja BTN (SC,TA,TO) serta hubungan keluarga dengan pegawai BTN (SC,TA,TO) sesuai butir 3.c dan 3.d
6. Khusus pelamar TA dan TO agar melampirkan dokumen pendukung pengalaman kerja (SK pengangkatan pegawai, sertifikat pelatihan/seminar terkait dengan bidang yang dilamar)
7. Berkas lamaran agar diantar langsung ke Kantor Cabang BTN sebagai berikut :

1. Kantor BTN Cabang Bangkalan d.a Jln Teuku Umar No.16 Bangkalan 69116 (SC)
2. Kantor BTN Cabang Denpasar d.a Jln Dewi Sartika No 2 Denpasar 80114 (SC)
3. Kantor BTN Cabang Sidoarjo d.a Jln Ahmad Yani No 15 Sidoarjo 61212 (SC)
4. Kantor BTN Cabang Malang d.a Jln Ade Irma Suryani 2-4 Malang 65119 (SC)
5. Kantor BTN Cabang Gresik d.a Komp Pertokoan Multi Sarana Plaza C1 No 1-3 (SC)
6. Kantor BTN Cabang Jember d.a Jln Ahmad Yani No 5 Jember 68118 (SC)
7. Kantor BTN Cabang Kediri d.a Jln Diponegoro No 22-24 Kediri 64121 (SC)
8. Kantor BTN Cabang Madiun d.a Jln H Agus Salim No 90 Madiun 63129 (SC)
9. Kantor BTN Cabang Solo d.a Jln Slamet Riyadi No 282 Solo 57141 (SC)
10. Kantor BTN Cabang Tasikmalay d.a Jln Sutisna Sanjaya 101 Tasikmalaya 46113 (SC)
11. Kantor BTN Cabang Cirebon d.a Jln Siliwangi No 16 Cirebon 45121 (SC)
12. Kantor BTN Cabang Pekalongan d.a Jln Hayam Wuruk 15 Pekalongan 51119 (SC)
13. Kantor BTN Cabang Purwokerto d.a Jln Jend Sudirman No 431 Purwokerto 53116 (SC)
14. Kantor BTN Cabang Yogyakarta d.a Jln Jend. Sudirman No 71 Yogyakarta 55223 (SC)
15. Kantor BTN Cabang Semarang d.a Jln MT Haryono 717 Semarang 50242 (SC)
16. Kantor BTN Cabang Banda Aceh d.a Jln Teuku Umar No.163-169 Banda Aceh 23243 (SC)
17. Kantor BTN Cabang Medan d.a Jln Pemuda No 10 A Medan 20151 (SC)
18. Kantor BTN Cabang Palembang d.a Jln Jend Sudirman Km 4,5 No.125 (SC)
19. Kantor BTN Cabang Jambi d.a Jln Sultan Thaha No. 119 Jambi 36113 (SC)
20. Kantor BTN Cabang Pekanbaru d.a Jend Sudirman No 393 Pekanbaru 28116 (SC)
21. Kantor BTN Cabang Pangkal Pinang d.a Jln Mayor Syafrie Rachman No 21 (SC)
22. Kantor BTN Cabang Tanjung Pinang d.a Jln Raja Ali Haji No 1-2 Tanjung Pinang 29124 (SC)
23. Kantor BTN Cabang Padang d.a Jln HR Rasuna Said No.3 Padang 25129 (SC)
24. Kantor BTN Cabang Bandar Lampung d.a Jln Wolter Monginsidi No 80-88 (SC)
25. Kantor BTN Cabang Bengkulu d.a Jln S Parman No 32 Bengkulu 38223 (SC)
26. Kantor BTN Cabang Balikpapan d.a Jln Jend Sudirman No 12 Blok A (SC)
27. Kantor BTN Cabang Banjarmasin d.a Jln RE Martadinata No.4 Banjarmasin (SC)
28. Kantor BTN Cabang Pontianak d.a Jln Imam Bonjol No.29 Pontianak 78122 (SC)
29. Kantor BTN Cabang Palangkaraya d.a Jln Ahmad Yani No 56 Palangkaraya 73111 (SC)
30. Kantor BTN Cabang Ambon d.a Jln Said Perintah No.21-22 Ambon 97126 (SC)
31. Kantor BTN Cabang Manado d.a Jln Wolter Monginsidi No 56 Manado 95115 (SC)
32. Kantor BTN Cabang Ternate d.a Jln Zainal Abidin Syah No.41 Ternate 97714 (SC)
33. Kantor BTN Cabang Gorontalo d.a Jln Budi Utomo No 20 (SC)
34. Kantor BTN Cabang Palu d.a Jln Jend Sudirman No.2 Palu 94111 (SC)
35. Kantor BTN Cabang Makassar d.a Jln Kajaolalido No.4 Makassar 90111 (SC)
36. Kantor BTN Cabang Kendari d.a Jln Sam Ratulangi No 75 A-B Kendari 93111 (SC)
37. Kantor BTN Cabang Mataram d.a Jln Pejanggik No 99-101 Mataram 83121 (SC)
38. Kantor BTN Cabang Kupang d.a Jln Jend Sudirman No 87 Kupang 85119 (SC)
39. Kantor BTN Cabang Jayapura d.a Jln Koti No. 22 Jayapura 99111 (SC)
40. Khusus pelamar SC untuk wilayah rekrutmen Jabodetabek serta seluruh pelamar TA & TO lamaran agar diantar langsung ke Lembaga Pengembangan Perbankan Indonesia (LPPI) d.a Jln Kemang Raya No 35, Jakarta Selatan

Lowongan - LOGICA : Konsultan Ahli Kesehatan

LOGICA, program kemitraan antara Pemerintah Australia dengan Pemerintah Indonesia yang didanai oleh AusAID, mencari tenaga professional untuk posisi :

Konsultan Ahli Kesehatan (1 orang – lokasi NAD) dikontrak sebagai Konsultan Perorangan.

Akan bertanggungjawab kepada Local Governance Adviser dengan persyaratan sebagai berikut :

Kriteria Umum :

1. Minimal Lulusan S1 (S2 lebih diutamakan) untuk semua bidang
2. Minimum 3 tahun pengalaman bekerjasama dengan Pemerintah Daerah
3. Lebih disukai yang berpengalaman kerja di LSM atau LSM Internasional
4. Cukup menguasai Bahasa Inggris lisan dan tulisan
5. Berpengalaman kerja di Aceh terutama dalam konteks rehab-rekon lebih diprioritaskan
6. Menguasai aplikasi komputer (MS-Office) dan Internet
7. Dapat bekerja di bawah tekanan dan jadwal yang ketat waktu
8. Mampu berbahasa Aceh lebih diprioritaskan

Kriteria Khusus :
1. Memiliki keahlian dan pengalaman dalam penyusunan perencanaan dan penganggaran untuk Dinas Kesehatan dan Puskesmas
2. Memahami konsep dan aplikasi Standar Pelayanan Minimal (SPM) bidang Kesehatan
3. Memiliki keahlian dan pengalaman dalam bidang Kesehatan Ibu dan Bayi baru lahir
4. Pernah bekerja di Puskesmas atau Dinas Kesehatan lebih diutamakan (bukan sebagai PNS)

Surat lamaran beserta CV dapat dikirimkan ke Bagian Personalia d/a. Armand SE, di armand@logica. atau armand_bintang68@ atau ke kantor LOGICA, Jl. Sudirman No. 11 Geuce Kaye Jato, Bandar Raya, Banda Aceh sebelum tanggal 01 Juni 2009.

Pelamar perempuan dan orang Aceh lebih diutamakan

NGO Vacancy - Arbeiter-Samariter- Bund (ASB) : Human Resource and Administration Officer

Established in 1888 Arbeiter-Samariter- Bund (ASB) is one of Germany's longest established and largest social welfare organizations. ASB currently has a portfolio of over 100 projects in relief, rehabilitation and community based development. ASB entered Indonesia following the May 2006 Java earthquake and has established projects in emergency relief; reconstruction and training; information outreach; disaster preparedness and livelihoods sectors. ASB is currently seeking expressions of interest from qualified and committed individual for the following position:

Title: Human Resource and Administration Officer
Location: Yogyakarta Office. Position may require occasional travel within Indonesia.
Starting Date: July 2009

Summary of job profile/responsibil ities: Office based in order to supervise small team to deliver qualified projectsupport services and ensure smooth and efficient office operational matters.

Key requirements:
1. First degree (S1) in business administration, management or similar.
2. Minimum 3 years relevant work experience.
3. Human Resource Development experience required.
4. Systematical thinker with first class organizational skills.
5. Excellent written and spoken English and Indonesian is essential.
6. Ability to understand and interpret organizational policy.
7. Excellent presentation and interpersonal skills within ability to get on well
with others.
8. Ability to multi-task and work to achieve deadlines as required.
9. Have a strong commitment and an initiative to work in professional environment.
10. Fully computer literate and proficient in Microsoft office.
11. Excellent problem solving skills and working with a minimum supervision.
12. Experience in working in recognized international NGO is an asset.
13. Ability to work independently and under own initiative as well as in a team in a multicultural environment.

Qualified applicants should send a Letter of Motivation and CV within contact detail of 2 most recent professional references. Application by postal only to

Human Resources
ASB, Jln Sukoharjo 136B,
Condong Catur, D.I. Yogyakarta, 55283.

Closing date of application: June 1st, 2009.

Only short-listed candidates will be contacted. ASB is an equal opportunities employment.

NGO Vacancy - International Organization for Migration (IOM) : Migration Health Physician

International Organization for Migration (IOM) Indonesia is looking for Migration Health Physician (2 positions) according to the terms of reference below. Interested candidates are invited to submit their applications to not later than 01 June 2009 indicating the reference code below as subject. All candidates are requested to specify their availability date in the
application form. Please note that only short-listed candidates will be contacted.

Reference No : - SVN/ID10/2009/ 044 (Medan)

- SVN/ID10/2009/ 045 (Tanjung Pinang)

Position Title : Migration Health Physician

Classification : General Service Staff, Grade 7

Duty Station : Medan / Tanjung Pinang - Indonesia

Type & duration of contract : Special All Inclusive, 3 months, with
possibility of extension

General Functions:

Under the overall administrative supervision of the IOM Chief of Mission (COM) for Indonesia, under technical guidance of the Senior Migration Health Physician and the Senior Migration Health Advisor, the Migration Health Physician for the Management and Care of Intercepted Irregular Immigrants in Indonesia Programme will provide health care and as the team leader of the Migration Health Team in his or her duty post
supervise the delivery of basic health and psychosocial services to migrants endorse by the Government of Indonesia to IOM for assistance in Medan/Belawan sub-district and Tanjung Pinang.

The Migration Health Physician is expected to carry out his/her duties in accordance with strictest moral and ethical standards and with due respect for gender and socio-cultural differences of the migrants. In particular he/she will be responsible for:

1. Managing and supervising the provision of general medical care and psychosocial services to migrants endorsed to IOM for assistance by the Government of Indonesia in Medan and Belawan sub-district.
2. Conducting the initial medical examination and care of each migrant registered under the management and care of IOM by the Government of Indonesia. Upon request (from Operations), organize and facilitate the national/local deployment of a Medical Team to conduct initial medical examination and care of migrants endorsed by the
3. Coordinating and liaising with local health and other relevant authorities regarding the health and psychosocial condition and management of the migrants.
4. Attending to the health and psychosocial well-being of migrants particularly when they are having problems or on hunger strike/ any other protest behaviour expressed by the migrants.
5. Conducting regular visits to the immigration detention centre in Belawan and to IOM accommodations in Medan and it's surrounding to provide the medical services to the migrants under IOM care. Ensurethat medical visitations are conducted as scheduled.
6. Developing and maintaining an efficient medical referral system for medical cases that require specialized medical attention and or hospitalization.
7. Ensuring the completion of pre-departure medical check up for fitness to travel for migrants who are willing to return home voluntarily and for migrants travelling under the supervision of IOM within Indonesia as requested
8. Monitoring and ensuring the proper storage, maintenance and procurement of basic medical equipments and supplies for the IOM Migration Health Clinic including Emergency Medical Kits, Medical Escorts Kits, Mobile Migration Health Assessment Kits and others.
9. Gathering, managing, analysis and reporting of health and psychosocial data on the migrants.
10. Writing, reviewing (reports of team members), consolidating and submitting individual case reports, monthly progress and statistical reports and their timely submission to the Senior Migration Health Physician.
11. Ensuring that the confidentiality of the migrant's medical information is strictly implemented and maintained by everyone assisting the migrants.
12. Coordinating with the Operations team to ensure that migrants' basic needs are met.
13. Verifying and checking medical bills for accuracy and monitor medical expenses.
14. Determining the disability and recommending the type of assistance and the need for medical escorts to assist travelling migrants or voluntary returnees diagnosed with special medical medication in close coordination with Operations.
15. Undertake other duties as assigned.

Desirable qualifications:

Indonesian National. Registered Physician in Indonesia. University Degree in Medicine with at least five years clinical experience in General Practice and/or Family Medicine. Previous work experience dealing with the health management and care of vulnerable groups; delivery of public health services, TB program, STI and reproductive health services and/or HIV/ AIDS programming are distinct advantages. Proven capacity to develop and supervise quality control/assurance mechanisms in medical activities. Understanding of biostatistics and basic research concepts.

Excellent communication and negotiation skills, personal commitment, efficiency and flexibility. Experience in working with government institutions is preferable. Ability to work with minimal supervision. Awareness of gender issues. Ability to work effectively and harmoniously in a team with colleagues from varied cultures and professional backgrounds. Willingness to travel and to work under difficult conditions. High commitment to the duty assigned.

Good level of computer literacy and fluent English.

For more detail info about us, please visit our website :

Lowongan - PT. BFI Finance Indonesia Tbk (BFI)

PT. BFI Finance Indonesia Tbk (BFI) yang berdiri sejak tahun 1982 adalah salah satu pemain utama dalam bisnis multifinance di Indonesia yang berfokus pada industri pembiayaan alat berat dan kendaraan bermotor. Sebagai perusahaan mandiri (tidak berafiliasi) , BFI memiliki neraca keuangan yang sehat dengan permodalan besar. Saat ini BFI memiliki jaringan pemasaran yang kuat dan tersebar di seluruh penjuru nusantara


Bagian dari program MT yang akan mempersiapkan Anda menjadi Operational Officer dan bertanggung jawab terhadap sisi operasional di cabang yang meliputi : keuangan, akuntansi, administrasi, kualitas pelayanan dan lain sebagainya.
Pelamar harus menyukai pekerjaan operasional kantor, mempunyai jiwa memimpin didalam lingkungan yang bergerak cepat dan dinamis serta selalu berusaha untuk menjadi yang terbaik. Kami menawarkan tantangan dan kesempatan khususnya bagi lulusan perguruan tinggi dari jurusan Ekonomi (Akuntansi atau Management).



Persyaratan :

Pria / Wanita, usia maks. 26 tahun & belum menikah

S1 - Manajemen (IAD) & Akuntansi (IAD dan ACC)

Mampu mengoperasikan komputer (MS. Excel)

Memahami dasar-dasar Auditing (IAD)

Memahami dasar-dasar Akuntansi (ACC)

Dapat bekerja mandiri maupun team

Tekun, tegas, obyektif, proaktif dan jujur

Bersedia melakukan perjalanan dinas (IAD)

Bersedia ditempatkan di Kantor Pusat - Jakarta

Anda yang siap menerima tantangan dan bersedia ditempatkan di seluruh cabang BFI, silakan taruh lamaran di BAAK UAJY (Up. Bp. Sugiyat) atau kirimkan lamaran lengkap paling lambat hingga 20 Juni 2009 ke :


Jl. Colombo no. 6D, Desa Catur Tunggal Kec. Sleman

Kab. Depok รข Yogyakarta

atau email : recruitment@

Informasi perusahaan silakan kunjungi


Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Vacancy - PT McDermott Indonesia : Quantity Surveyor


The biggest offshore fabricator in Indonesia and one of the largest
offshore construction companies in the world requires proficient,
efficient, and highly motivated individuals for the following positions


* Ensures activities during assigned project execution are consistently
performed in compliance with the established procedures.

* Responsible for E&I Quantity Surveying deliverables being prepared
correctly as required by the contract and internal requirements.

* Progressively re-measure the unit rate scope based on design and
fabrication documents.

* Conducts site measures as required, and/ors take-offs from drawings
leading to the preparation of bill of quantities.

* Maintain database of the bills of estimated quantities and
comprehensive and accurate files, logs and records.

* Review the feasibility of the Contract schedule of unit rates.

* Estimating "star rates" for work items not included in the Contract
schedule of rates.

* Interfacing with the Client quantity surveying representatives with
regards to agreements to measured quantities and associated estimated
values of work completed.

* Maintains a close working relationship with Batam project engineering,
the detailing office, the MTO group and other Fabrication departments as
required, in order to retrieve and maintain accurate records of the
latest updated drawing and MTO data.

* Provides variance analysis (including quantity analysis, man hour
analysis and re-measurement analysis) and recommends corrective actions
for deviations from plan or budget.

* Assists in the preparation of the final project close-out report.

* Mentor & guide Quantity surveying personnel on a daily basis.


* 3+ years experience in progress measurement, tracking installed
quantities, interpreting construction drawings, and invoicing based on
unit rates at a construction job site

* Good knowledge of project progress measurement software applications
as well as all Microsoft Office products

If your vision of a work environment includes the challenges which can
lead to personal growth, respect for ideas, and colleagues who rank with
the best, then please send your application and resume, quoting job
code, with copy of qualification certificates and recent photograph
(4x6cm) no later than 2 weeks to:



Jalan Bawal - Batu Ampar

Batam 29452

Email: hrd.batam@mcdermott .com

Vacancy - Intraco Penta : Management Development Program

We are well establishing Company having business interest in Heavy
. In line with our expansion plans and commitments for
growth, we are now seeking to recruit high caliber, passionate, able
to learn fast, dynamic professionals, and able to communicate with a
wide spectrum for the following position:



Male/Female, with max age 35 years old
Hold Bachelor or Master Degree from reputable university major in
Mechanical, Industrial, Electrical, Mining, Petrolleum, Metallurgical,
Agriculture or Agriculture Engineering, with min GPA 3.00 (in scale
Having experience for last 4 years
Able to coomunicate in English (min TOEFL score 450)
Willing to be placed in all over Indonesia (INTA’s branches)
Willing to participate training program for a years in Jakarta

Submit your application complete with curriculum vitae within 2 weeks
after this advertisement to:

Human Resources Departement
Jl. Raya Cakung Cilincing Km. 3,5 - Jakarta Utara 14130
Or email to:
april@intracopenta. com

NGO Vacancy - IOM : Operations Assistant II

International Organization for Migration (IOM) Indonesia is looking for
an Operations Assistant II (1 position) according to the terms of
reference below. Interested candidates are invited to submit their
applications to hrjakarta@iom.inthrjakarta@iom. int not later
than 31 May 2009 indicating the reference code below as subject. All
candidates are requested to specify their availability date in the
application form. Please note that only short-listed candidates will be

Reference No : SVN/ID10/2009/ 041

Position Title : Operations Assistant II

Classification : General Service Staff, Grade 5

Duty Station : Tanjung Pinang - Indonesia

Type & duration of contract: Special All Inclusive, 3 months with
possibility of extension

General Functions:

Under direct supervision of the National Operation Officer and the
overall supervision of the Chief of Mission, the incumbent will provide
oversight, supervise and monitor the implementation of efficient
coordination mechanism between relevant government agencies (mainly the
Indonesian Immigration Department and the Indonesian National Police)
and local government entities. The Operations Assistant II will be
responsible in performing operations support functions. In particular,
he/she will :

1. Maintain coordination with the INP (Indonesian National Police),
Immigration Department and local authorities (Bupatis, Camats) in
his/her areas;
2. Collect, analyze and report information - on migration flows;
3. Regularly visit the other immigration and the police offices
within his / her area
4. Provide ad-hoc support to local authorities in areas related to
identification and handling of irregular migration;
5. Conduct awareness raising campaign to sensitive local authorities
and the general population on issues related to irregular migration and
Indonesia's international commitments;
6. Assist the Training Officer to conduct trainings on intercepted
7. Prepare the training needs for the Training Officer such as the
training room, organize the participants etc;
8. Coordinate with local authorities to assist the intercepted
9. Escort the intercepted migrants to the assigned places;
10. Ensure needs of intercepted migrants are provided;
11. Undertake duty travel to meet with irregular migrants and to
conduct regular coordination meeting with the local authorities
(Immigration and INP's Departments) ;
12. Responsible for Admin-Finance matter;
13. Manage the operational expenses;
14. Submit monthly Finance report to Admin-Finance Jakarta in
coordination with the National Operation Officer.
15. In charge for the office where s/he is assigned
16. Perform other duties as may be assigned.

Desirable Qualifications :

University degree in economic, political, social science or business and
counselling. At least three years of experience in any of these fields.
Previous experience in particularly dealing with migrants and ticketing
an international organization is an advantage.

Effective organizational skill and ability to establish priorities and
plans, willingness to travel, ability to work under difficult conditions
and cope with deadlines with minimal supervision. Proficient in computer

Excellent communication skills, personal commitment, efficiency and
flexibility. Good level of computer literacy awareness of gender issues.
Ability to work effectively and harmoniously in a team with colleagues
from varied cultures and professional backgrounds.

Language: Proficient in English

For more detail info about us, please visit our website :

NGO Vacancy - IOM : Operations Assistant I

International Organization for Migration (IOM) Indonesia is looking for
Operations Assistant I (Ticketing Assistant) according to the terms of
below. Interested candidates are invited to submit their
applications to hrjakarta@iom. int hrjakarta@iom. int> not later
than 31 May 2009 indicating the reference code below as subject. All
candidates are requested to specify their availability date in the
application form. Please note that only short-listed candidates will be

Reference No : SVN/ID10/2009/ 042

Position Title : Operations Assistant I
(Ticketing Assistant)

Classification : General Service Staff, Grade 4

Duty Station : Jakarta - Indonesia

Type&duration of contract : Special All Inclusive, 3 months with
possibility of extension

General Functions:

Under direct supervision of the Senior Operations Assistant and the
overall supervision of the National Operations Officer, the incumbent
will be responsible in performing operations support functions,
especially for the ticket reservation for the movements and staff
travels. In particularly he/she will:

1. Receive and review request for ticket reservation from staff
members and for IM's movement
2. Coordinate with the Airlines and the travel agents for the
ticketing matters
3. Request travel agents for price quotation, determines applicable
class of travels.
4. Identify potential travel agents/airlines and ascertain conditions
of purchase and quotations of the ticket.
5. Present price quotations for review and approval of the
supervisor. Incumbent may also recommend the best quotation to
6. Coordinate and ensure that all ticket purchases are reviewed and
approved by the programme managers or Unit Officer.
7. Upon approval, authorizes travel agent to issue the tickets and
collect the ticket from the Airlines/travel agents. . .
8. Ensure the timely delivery of procured ticket to the requestor and
ensure that the requestor submitted the TA for the supporting documents.
9. Check and Verify the invoice from the travel agents bills before
submit it to the National Operations Officer and the Finance.
10. Prepare the request for payment of the ticket purchased and submit
it to Finance Unit.
11. Maintain files and record on the ticketing data base.
12. Coordinate with colleagues in other sub offices for local ticket
and with other mission for international ticket booking.
13. Ensure that the used airlines are secure and as advised by UNDSS.
14. Serve as back up of other Operations Assistant I in Jakarta.
15. Perform other duties as may be assigned.

Desirable Qualifications :

Diploma in management, economic, political, social science and business.
Previous working experience with travel agency/airline company will be
highly regarded. At least one to three years of experience in ticketing

Effective organizational skill and ability to establish priorities and
plans, willingness to stay in the office, ability to work under
difficult conditions and cope with deadlines with minimal supervision.
Proficient in computer applications.

Excellent communication skills, personal commitment, efficiency and
flexibility. Good level of computer literacy awareness of gender issues.
Ability to work effectively and harmoniously in a team with colleagues
from varied cultures and professional backgrounds.

Language: Fluency in English.

For more detail info about us, please visit our website :

Lowongan NGO - Yayasan Lamjabat (YL)

Yayasan Lamjabat (YL) adalah salah satu LSM local yang bertempat di Ujung Pancu,
Peukanbada, Aceh Besar yang telah beroperasi di Banda Aceh dan Aceh Besar
semenjak December 2004.

Saat ini YL mencari 2 (Dua) Orang Staff Ahli untuk bergabung dengan Team YL dalam
Program saat ini “ Pemberdayaan Masyarakat ke Arah Penyelamatan
Lingkungan dan Matapencaharian Berkelanjutan dalam Rangka Penanggulangan dan
Pengurangan Resiko Bencana di Masa-masa Mendatang yang Berbasis
Masyarakat” .

1. DRR / Environment Training & Education Coordinator

2. Program Officer

Bagi Pelamar silahkan mengirimkan C.V (Tanpa Photo, Tanpa sertifikat dan Ijazah
lainnya) dan jelaskan mengapa anda tertarik dengan posisi yang anda lamar,
keahlian apa, pengalaman apa yang anda dapat berikan buat program ini, juga
harapan gaji terhadap posisi yang anda lamar.

Silahkan kirimkan baik melalui e-mail ke hr_lamjabat@ id maupun PO.BOX 55 Banda Aceh 23001

Pusat Kerja bertempat di Ujong Pancu, Peukan Bada, Aceh Besar

Yayasan Lamjabat (YL) menyarankan Candidat Perempuan untuk melamar posisi tersebut.

Batas waktu pengiriman sampai dengan 05-Juni-2009

NGO Vacancy - IOM : Operation Assistant

IOM is looking for an Operation Assistant according to the terms of reference below. Interested applicants are invited to apply by submitting their application to hrbandaaceh@ no later than 29 May 2009 indicating the reference code below. All candidates are kindly requested to specify their availability date in the application form. Please note that only short-listed candidates will be contacted.

Reference Code: SVN/ID1/2009/ 040
Position Title : Operation Assistant
Duty Station : Idi Rayeuk, Aceh Timur, Nanggroe Aceh Darussalam
Classification : Grade 3, one month
Estimate Starting Date : Soon as Possible

General Functions:

Under the direct supervision of the Operations Assistant III and the overall supervision of the National Operations Officer the Operations Assistant will be responsible in performing operations support functions. In particular, he/she will:

1. Assist in the monitoring of the Irregular Migrants (IMs)activities and ensure that all basic services (accommodation facilities, basic personal supplies and toiletries, security and medical assistance including psycho-social counseling; provide them what they need such as identification cards, transportation requirements. Coordinate with the Medical and Mental Health teams to ensure that all IM’s are provided adequate and appropriate medical services, including psychosocial counseling.
2. When required, visit the IM’s and undertake activities as indicated in the visit activity/work plan prepared in coordination with the supervisor. Prepare and submit reports to supervisor on the activity.
3. Coordinate with hotel owners and relevant hotel staff to ensure that accommodation for IM’s are within the agreed standard. Refer to supervisors in case there are disputes between hotel owners and IMs. Be responsible for the payments for hotels used by IMs and other service providers.
4. Coordinate with local authorities on IM activities in the area of responsibility.
5. Coordinate changes on the IM’s status with supervisor and colleagues within the unit. Coordinate with the supervisor and colleagues handling resettlement and voluntary repatriation on IM movements to ensure accurate and updated IM statistics.
6. Escort IM’s on the movement.
7. Provide assistance in the ticketing requirements of the Jakarta office. Maintain a database for ticketing.
8. Perform other duties as may be required.

Desirable Qualifications:
Diploma in management, Economics, political, social science or business and counseling will be highly regarded. At least one year of experience in any of these fields, particularly in dealing with migrants and ticketing.

Effective organizational skill and ability to establish priorities and plans, ability to work under pressure and cope with deadlines. Proficient in computer applications.

Good written and spoken communications skills, good interpersonal skills, high loyalty, ability to work in a multi-cultural environment and good working in team.

Fluency in English and Bahasa Indonesia both oral and written.

Berselancar lebih cepat dan lebih cerdas dengan Firefox 3
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Vacancy - Garuda Indonesia : Legal Advisers

Garuda Indonesia is seeking for Legal Advisers

The National flag carrier of Indonesia, is seeking experienced lawyers
to be in-house legal counsel. The successful candidates should be
flexible, able to take the initiative and have problem solving
ability. Excellent client service and strong interpersonal skills are
required for working with other departments.

Criteria for the Legal Advisers are:
-Male/Female Maximum 32 years of age (as at 31 December 2009)
-Bachelor of Law (Sarjana Hukum) from a reputable university
-Minimum GPA of 3.00 (on scale of 4)
-Minimum of 3 years experience in a reputable corporate law firms in Jakarta
If you are interested in joining Garuda Indonesia:
-Send an application letter in English with Legal Advisor (Code LA)
clearly marked, a Curriculum Vitae, photocopies of certificates and
transcripts, and a recent 4cm x 6cm passport photo to PO BOX 1295 TNG
BUSH or go to www.garuda-indonesi and complete the on-line
application form.

Deadline for all applications: Friday 29 May, 2009. Only those who
meet the criteria will be contacted.

Vacancy - Nestle Indonesia Monday, May 25, 2009 8:09 PM

As the leading food nutrition, health and wellness company,Nestle has
for the past 140years produced the best products with a passion for
excellence we invite people with professional knowledge, personal
integrity,and strong motivation to excel and enjoy facing challenges
in a dynamic organization, to join us as:


To develop a continuous improvement culture in all market business by
implementing LEAN principles and concepts throughout the value chain,
and coordinate the market roll-out and development of LEAN, while
ensuring that best practices are adopted and embedded throughout the

Detail responsibilities:
-Support and help the lean roll out within the market, ensuring that a
continuous improvement culture is developed and sustained in each
-Help the lean champion and Value Stream Managers to define the
implementation time table and road map
-Do project management for the road map implementation across the market
-Define steps necessary for the market to have in place its own
support structure without external resource
Assist the value stream manager to roll out lean, starting with one
product family and deploying to more product families and business
-Lead/assist value stream design which will identify areas of
improvement in the market

-Min S1 degree in Operation/Supply chain management, economic
management, engineering or technical/productio n related discipline
-Min 3years of successful experience in implementing LEAN, pref. in
FMCG/Fodd & Bev.
-Good English

Send your CV, at the latest by june 30, 2009, to:
recruitment@ id.nestle. com

Lowongan - Sun Life Financial Group

Sun Life Financial Group mengajak Anda untuk bergabung sebagai :


Persyaratan :
Tele Sales Representative:
- Diploma (D3) atau Sarjana (S1) dari berbagai latar belakang bidang pendidikan
- Usia 20 - 30 tahun
- Memiliki minat tinggi di bidang penjualan dan kemampuan komunikasi yang balk

Team Leader:
- Memenuhi persyaratan Tele Sales Representative, dan
- Berpengalaman minimal 1 tahun sebagai Tele Sales Representative asuransi jiwa atau pernah memimpin sebuah tim penjualan (sales team)

Sebagai Tele Sales Representative atau Team Leader kami, Anda akan memperoleh gaji tetap, skema komisi yang menarik, peluang karir, serta pelatihan bertaraf intemasional.

Segera e-mail lamaran dan CV Anda ke: telecenter@sunlife. atau kirim ke:
Sun Life Financial Tele Center
Wisma Metropolitan I, 12th Floor
JI. Jend. Sudirman Kay. 29-31
Jakarta 12920

Lamaran & CV kami tunggu hingga Sabtu, 30 Mei 2009

Vacancy - Singapore Petroleum Company Ltd

Singapore Petroleum Company Ltd - SPC Mahakam Hilir Pte Ltd. a wholly-owned company of Singapore Petroleum Company Ltd. a member of a public-listed company in the Stock Exchange of Singapore, is seeking experienced and competent staff to join its Exploration & Production team in Jakarta , Indonesia

1. Senior Geologist
2. Senior Physicist
3. Contract & Procurement Supervisor
4. Legal Executive
5. Human Resource Executive
6. Technical Assistant
7. Confidential Secretary/Executive Assistant
8. Receptionist cum Admin Assistant

Please visit sg/careers/ jobs.asp for more details. Candidates for positions 4 to 8 are expected to be capable of multi-tasking.

Please write in with a full resume, present and expected salaries and contact telephone number(s) together with any other relevant information to:

The Human Resource & Administration Group
1 Maritime Square,
#10-10 HarbourFront Centre , Singapore 099253
or email: sg

Closing Date: 6 June 2009
Only shortlisted candidates will be notified

Monday, May 25, 2009


COMBIPHAR, an aggressive pharmaceutical & consumer good company, are seeking high caliber & result-oriented individual to fill the position as:


Requirements :

• Degree with major in Accounting from reputable university
• Mature, dynamic person with maximum age 35 years old
• Advance in accounting, tax and auditing
Experience in manufacture industry are preferred
• Familiar with SAP R3 or above are preferred
• Minimum 5 years experience in related area, and 1 year in supervisory level.
• Can work under pressure, multi tasking with minimum supervision, mature, self motivated, and able to work in a team
• Computer Literate


Requirements :
• Provide confidential administrative / technical assistance with overall effectiveness operations
Minimum Bachelor Degree from reputable university
• Maximum age 30 years old
• Minimum 2 years experience, and experience in pharmaceutical industry is an advantage
• Having good knowledge in pharmaceutical industry and its distribution process
• Computer literate and having a good report skill
• Can work under pressure, multi tasking with minimum supervision, mature, self motivated, and able to work in a team


Requirements :

• Degree with major in Accounting or Management from reputable university
• Young & dynamic person with maximum age 30 years old
• Familiar with payment process, cash management, budgeting, etc.
• Advance in accounting principle
• Minimum 3 years experience in related area
• Can work under pressure, multi tasking with minimum supervision, mature, self motivated, and able to work in a team
• Computer Literate


Requirements :
• Candidate must possess at least a Bachelor's Degree in Computer Science / Information Technology or equivalent
• Have 4 years of working experience in system engineering, network engineering, audit security & Procedure (ITIL, ISO 27001) - Email or equivalent will be added advantage
• Possess deep knowledge & experience in Email (Exchange), Network Administrator and System Engineering
• Familiar with Network Infrastructure Device (Cisco Router), Security Device (Firewall, IPS) & Proxy Server (ISA Server, Mikrotik, Bandwidth Management, etc)
• Mastering in Microsoft Operating System (Windows 2000 / 2003 Server), Active Directory, backup & recovery solution
• Have a good knowledge of Corporate Microsoft Application & Services (Microsoft Shared Point Portal, Microsoft Exchange Server)
• Preferred with professional certification such as MCSE – Microsoft Certified System Engineer (Exchange, Server) and Cisco
• Team player and possess good interpersonal, written & communication skill combine with positive working attitude


Requirements :
• Candidate must possess at least a Bachelor's Degree in Computer Science/ Information Technology or equivalent
• At least 2 years of working experience in the related field is required
• Possess skill in Microsoft C#/.NET Developer in database application
• Possess deep knowledge & experience of database and workflow
• Familiar with VB, Java, ASP programming skill will be added advantage
• Preferred with professional certification
• Posses exceptional problem solving and analytical skills
Time management and communication skills are a must to excel in this position


Requirements :
• Candidate must possess at least a Bachelor's Degree in Pharmacy / Apothecary Program
• At least 2 years of working experience in as Product Manager is required
• Able to manage new product Development and product launching
• Good command of spoken and written English
• Have a good negotiation, interpersonal, presentation, marketing and communication skill
• Have a strong analytical and problem solving abilities

Forward your CV and put your job code with current photograph, maximum 2 weeks from this advertisement and stated your expected salary, to:

Graha Atrium Building 15th Floor
JL. Senen Raya 135
Jakarta Pusat, 10410

Or email to :
vidhestira.dwimadia @combiphar. com


(formerly PT Truba Jurong Engineering)

Engineering Procurement and Construction Company in Power, Industrial
and Oil & Gas Plant.

1. Quantity Surveyor
(Jakarta Raya)


Bachelor degree in Civil Engineering/ Mechanical Engineering from a
reputable University
Minimum 5 years experience in Engineering & Construction Industry
Well understanding scope of work Quantity Surveyor included
international standard
Have a good technical knowledge on Civil design, Autocad, SAP, ETAB, Xsteel, etc
Provide technical support and data to PPC Department for process claim
Maximum 35 years old
Applicants should be Indonesian citizens or hold relevant residence status.


Must have good language proficiency verbal and written both English
and Bahasa Indonesia, minimum TOEFL Score 450.

Must have good leadership, communication skill, high integrity and loyalty

Able to work as a team or independently

Computer literacy

Shall be mentally ready to be assigned in any places in Indonesia or
overseas at any time.

2. Expediter
(Jakarta Raya)


Hold Bachelor degree in Mechanical Engineering or Electrical
or Civil Engineering from a reputable university.
Having good knowledge in procurement, expediting, material code and
familiar with many suppliers both local and overseas.
Minimum 4 years applicable experience in procurement of structural,
mechanical, electrical and control materials.
Male, below 35 years old.


Must have good language proficiency verbal and written both English
and Bahasa Indonesia, minimum TOEFL Score 450.

Must have good leadership, communication skill, high integrity and loyalty

Able to work as a team or independently

Computer literacy

Shall be mentally ready to be assigned in any places in Indonesia or
overseas at any time.

Submit your detailed resume and latest photograph (photograph is a must) to:

Jl. Swadaya II No. 7 Tanjung Barat, Jagakarsa, Jakarta 12530
E-mail to: recruitment@ trubagroup. com

NGO Vacancy - TIFA Foundation

Yayasan Tifa, sebuah lembaga nirlaba yang memperjuangkan masyarakat terbuka di Indonesia, yang menghormati keragaman serta menjunjung tinggi penegakan hukum, keadilan dan kesetaraan bekerjasama dengan AusAID-ANTARA (Australia รข€" Nusa Tenggara Assistance for Regional Autonomy), untuk รข€ล“Program Pemberdayaan Buruh Migran Indonesia dan Keluarganya di Daerah Asalรข€� membuka lowongan pekerjaan untuk posisi tersebut dibawah ini:

(10 Bulan Kerja)

Posisi ini bertanggungjawab kepada Direktur Eksekutif Yayasan Tifa untuk memimpin dan mengelola implementasi Unit Pelaksana Program (UPP). Termasuk bertanggungjawab memastikan berjalanannya program sesuai arahan strategis yang telah ditetapkan.

(10 Bulan Kerja)

Posisi ini bertanggung jawab kepada Manajer Proyek untuk mengembangkan sistem remitansi buruh migran, pelatihan perencanaan keuangan keluarga buruh migran dan pemberdayaan ekonomi keluarga buruh migran. Posisi ini diharapkan dapat menumbuhkan kerjasama strategis antara Bank, Lembaga Ekonomi Mikro dan lembaga keuangan lainnya untuk mendorong potensi ekonomi buruh migran dan keluarganya.

(3 Orang: 3 Bulan Kerja)

Posisi ini bertanggungjawab kepada Project Manager untuk menyediakan paket-paket modul yang digunakan sebagai panduan untuk pelatihan dan acuan yang akan digunakan oleh warga desa, community organizer, aparat desa dan LSM mitra dalam berbagai topic, mulai dari migrasi kerja, pengelolaan keuangan sampai peraturan desa. Adapun modul yang akan dibuat adalah:
รข€¢ Pendidikan Paralegal: Pelatihan bagi calon paralegal di isu migrasi kerja
รข€¢ Pelatihan keuangan keluarga buruh migran
รข€¢ Pelatihan pengorganisasian masyarakat (community organizing)

(Baseline Research Advisor) (1 Bulan Kerja)

Posisi ini membantu Manajer Proyek memastikan adanya kajian data awal/dasar (baseline research yang hasilnya dapat dijadikan rujukan bagi stakeholder yang terlibat dalam program ini.

(1 Bulan Kerja)

Posisi ini membantu Konsultan/Penasehat untuk pengkajian data awal/dasar (baseline research) untuk memastikan data yang dibutuhkan dalam riset data awal ini terkumpul sesuai prosedur.

Kandidat yang tertarik pada posisi ini dipersilahkan mengirimkan surat lamaran, daftar riwayat hidup dan surat referensi selambat-lambatnya tanggal 30 Juni 2009 ke alamat email: recruitment@ tifafoundation. org. Hanya kandidat terpilih yang akan dihubungi. Pertanyaan lewat telepon tidak akan dilayani.
Keterangan lengkap dapat dilihat di website kami.

Yayasan Tifa
Jl. Jaya Mandala II No. 14 E, Menteng Dalam, Jakarta 12870
Email: recruitment@ tifafoundation. org
Website: http://www.tifafoun

NGO Vacancy - CARE International Indonesia (CII) : Makassar

CARE International Indonesia (CII), as an international NGO, has carried out large scale operations in Indonesia, encompassing emergency operations, transitional activities centered on agriculture and nutrition and a range of development initiatives in such areas as water and sanitation, health and micro-credit.

CARE in South Sulawesi Office is currently recruiting the following positions for its project:



The UCF is the community-level contact point person for all project activities. The UCF will conduct the following activities:

Facilitate and assist community organization to manage WSS and health and hygiene education, reflecting gender equity and poverty targeting principles.
Build community capacity and assist community in developing the Community Action Plan (CAP), constructing water and/or sanitation facilities selected by the community, and managing the O&M of the improved facilities


Implement RTA. Melaksanakan Kajian Teknis Cepat (KTC-RTA)
Assist in building community capacity in preparing CAP, project planning and implementation using the MPA/PHAST methodologies.
Assist community identifying their health problems and water borne diseases and develop strategies to solve those problems using PHAST methodology.
Conduct technical survey and prepare the DED and cost estimate for WSS infrastructure development.
Assist community organization in mobilizing contributions.
Provide on the job training to community members and supervise construction of WSS facilities through community self-help.
Train and guide in managing the sanitation revolving funds.
Facilitate and assist the community in participatory self-monitoring during the project and post construction periods.
Act as liaison between VWSC, LPMs, KcCT and MTCT
Address complaints and questions about the project and help ensure transparency in all project implementation and decision making.
Submit monthly progress reports to the UC
Take the initiative to get assistance from other stakeholders such as MTCT, PDAM, Municipality Planning Agency etc, especially to deal with problems related to the mentioned above sectors.
Act as liaison between VWSC, LPMs, KcCT, MTCT, LNGOs, and local City Parliament.
Assist the UC in carrying out City Forum components of SWASH.
Assist Supervisor as requested.

· Min D3 in Civil Engineering/ Environmental
· At least 1 years experience working with NGO, experience in related technical aspects in urban Community.
· Familiarity with community level participatory approaches
· Facility with Excel and Word
· Demonstrated capacity to work as a team member
· Excellent interpersonal skills
· Ability to work with a team and with minimum supervision

CARE is an equal opportunity employer offering a competitive salary and benefits package, and a collegial working environment. Applicants are invited to send a cover letter illustrating their suitability for the above positions, and detailed curriculum vitae (not more than 200KB), with names and addresses of three referees (including telephone, fax numbers and email address). Please DO NOT attach academic transcripts and Diplomas and state clearly the applied position code in the email subject.

Please submit your applications before 27 May 2009 to
CARE International Indonesia, Human Resources Unit:

recruit_322@ careind.or. id

“Only qualified applicants will be shortlisted”

NGO Vacancy - CARE International Indonesia (CII) : Tangerang

CARE International Indonesia (CII), as an international NGO, has carried out large scale operations in Indonesia, encompassing emergency operations, transitional activities centered on agriculture and nutrition and a range of development initiatives in such areas as water and sanitation, health and micro-credit.

CARE in Tangerang Office is currently recruiting the following positions for its project:


Job Summary:

The consultant will be responsible for implementation of a training series of life skill capacity improvement for garment female worker which implemented by GAP-funded GAUN IBU project. The purpose of the training series is to improve life skill capacity of female worker as well as worker and as a part of the community where they live. Other side, it can improve worker’s access to reach better livelihood.

Area of Responsibility:

Ensure a training series for participant selected during the implementation of GAUN IBU Project (once a week within 9 months) will be implemented based on a developed training module.
Prepare in details (coordination with PO and PM of GAUN IBU Project) in term of implementation of training series
Involved in conducting evaluation of training implementation

Through the above actions, the trainer consultant will:
a) Develop step by step of training series implementation
b) Carry out training of trainer for garment female worker
c) Coordinate and work closely with Project Officer

Consultancy Period and Location:

The consultancy will take place at Tiga Raksa, Tangerang district; the trainer consultant will be expected to start on early June 2009 and will finish the work on the end of February 2010

Matching Indicators:

Bachelor degree with extensive experience in working with community and, particularly carry out training of trainer
Familiarity with female worker issue, especially garment worker issue – education and improving life skill capacity
Familiarity with adult education approach, which is include contextual, condition and cultural barriers of female worker conditions
Having 3 year experiences working with and/or conducting training of trainer as a team
Ability to plan and work independently and efficiently and to understand and analyze information quickly
Ability to deal with and effectively resolve unexpected issues
Excellent experience in life skill and vocational matter, analytical, communication, and interpersonal skills, especially related to worker issue
Live in Tangerang or surrounding area

CARE is an equal opportunity employer offering a competitive salary and benefits package, and a collegial working environment. Applicants are invited to send a cover letter illustrating their suitability for the above positions, and detailed curriculum vitae, with names and addresses of three referees (including telephone, fax numbers and email address). Please DO NOT attached academic transcripts and Diplomas and state clearly the applied position code in the email subject.

Please submit your applications before 27 May 2009 to
CARE International Indonesia, Human Resources Unit:

recruit_321@ careind.or. id

“Only qualified applicants will be shortlisted”

Lowongan - PT Gamatechno Indonesia

PT Gamatechno Indonesia adalah perusahaan yang bergerak di bidang information and communication technology (ICT) yang menyediakan solusi total dan integral di bidang teknologi informasi dengan focus bisnis utama pada pengembangan software dan system informasi serta konsultasi dan pengembangan infrastruktur komunikasi data.

Kami mengajak anda untuk bergabung dan berkembang bersama PT Gamatechno Indonesia untuk posisi :


- minimal D3, semua jurusan, diutamakan dari jurusan ekonomi/informatika /ilmu komputer/teknik elektro

- mampu bekerja dengan system target

- berpenampilan menarik dan komunikatif

- menyukai traveling

- memiliki kendaraan pribadi


- minimal D3 (atau mahasiswa semester akhir) diutamakan dari jurusan informatika/ ilmu komputer/teknik elektro

- menguasai konsep dan teknik object Oriented Pogramming dengan J2SE dan My SQL

- lebih disukai yang menguasai database Oracle

- memiliki pengalaman pengembangan proyek


- minimal D3 (atau mahasiswa S1 semester akhir), diutamakan dari jurusan informatika/ ilmu komputer/teknik elektro

- menguasai konsep dan teknik object oriented Web-Based Application Development dengan PHP dan My SQL

- memahami UML, RDBMS dan tool-tool terkait

- memiliki pengalaman pengembangan proyek

- pemahaman tentang web service merupakan nilai tambah

- bersedia menjalani kontrak selama proyek berdurasi 3-6 bulan


- pendidikan minimal D3 atau mahasiswa S1 tingkat akhir

- menguasai aplikasi design grafis/web (corel draw, Adobe Photoshop, Adobe Dreamweaver, Adobe Flash, HTML)

- diutamakan yang menguasai aplikasi 3D animasi

- penguasaan atas Cascading Style Sheet (CSS) akan menjadi nilai tambah

- memiliki kreativitas dan ide-ide baru


- minimal D3 atau mahasiswa S1 semester akhir, diutamakan dari jurusan informatika/ ilmu komputer/ teknik elektro.

- Menguasai konsep dan Object Oriented Web-Based Application Development dengan PHP dan My SQL.

- Memahami UML, RDBMS, dan tool-tool terkait

- Mampu membuat dokumentasi dengan baik dan lebih disukai dapat menulis berbahasa inggris dengan cepat

- Lebih disukai yang mempunyai pengalaman sebagi instruktur

- Bersedia ditugaskan di luar kota

- Bersedia menjalani kontrak selama proyek berdurasi 3-6 bulan

Kualifikasi Umum :

- komunikatif, kreatif, dinamis, fast learner, hard worker, berdedikasi, jujur dan disiplin tinggi serta memiliki kemampuan kerjasama Tim yang baik

- mampu bekerja dalam lingkungan yang kompetitif, target-based oriented dan under pressure

Kirimkan :

- Surat lamaran yang mencantumkan besarnya gaji dan benefit lain yang diinginkan

- Curriculum vitae (ringkas dan difokuskan pada ketrampilan dan pengalaman yang relevan)

- Salinan ijazah, transkrip nilai dan sertifikat pendukung lainnya

- Salinan identitas diri

- Foto 4x6

Kirim Berkas lamaran ke :

Manajer HR & GA

PT Gamatechno Indonesia

Jl. Cik Dik Tiro 34 Yogyakarta 55223

Dengan mencantumkan kode posisi di sebelah kanan atas amplop atau ke alamat email :

hrd@gamatechno. com

dengan subject email : Lamaran (kode posisi)-(nama Anda)
lamaran diterima paling lambat tanggal 7 Juni 2009

Friday, May 22, 2009

NGO Vacancy - Caritas Switzerland (Based on NAD)

Caritas Switzerland, a Swiss NGO, is carrying out a Water Supply Project in Meulaboh, Aceh Barat.

The project includes:
- Construction and rehabilitation of WTP
- Construction of a distribution network with a total length of more than 50 km and house connection to more than 2.200 house holds

Caritas Switzerland seeks for this project a qualified dynamic and highly motivated personnel to fill the position of:

1. Water Engineer for the distribution network

of job duties and responsibilities:
1. Coordinating the implementation of the distribution network with the contractors
2. Leading a team of 3 site engineers for supervision and monitoring
3. Reporting to the Head of Technical Department
4. Conducting quality control, budget control and ensure the implementation according to the schedule
5. Conducting capacity building to PDAM during the implementation
6. Deputy of the Water Engineer for the Water Treatment Plant and Socialization

1. BA/Masters in Water Engineering or close similar field
2. At least 3 years experience in the implementation of Water Distribution Networks
3. Experience in coordination and cooperation with PDAM and other local authorities
4. High experience in project management and team leadership
5. Ability to work independently and demonstrate initiative
6. Able to communicate in English fluently, both in written and spoken
7. Good experience and knowledge of WTP
8. Experience in socialization of the target group
9. Computer Literate and using internet facilities
10. Strong patience and good moral character

Reporting directly to: Head of Technical Department

Location of work: Meulaboh, Aceh Barat, NAD - 100%
Closing Date of Application: 29.5.09
Expected start of work: 15.6.09
Duration of appointment: 6 month with the possibility of extension according to project needs

Interested candidates are invited to submit their complete application with subject “Water Engineer Caritas” :

2. Site Engineer for the distribution network

of job duties and responsibilities:
1. Coordinating the implementation of the distribution network with the contractors
2. Reporting to the Water Engineer and/or Head of Technical Department
3. Conducting quality control and ensure the implementation according to the schedule
4. Writing daily, weekly and monthly protocols
5. Writing progress reports
6. Conducting measurements in the field of executed work

1. BA/Masters in Water Engineering or close similar field
2. At least 2 years experience in the implementation of Water Distribution Networks
3. Ability to work independently and demonstrate initiative
4. Able to communicate in English fluently, both in written and spoken
5. Ability to work in a team of site engineers
6. Strong patience and good moral character

Reporting directly to: Water Engineer

Interested candidates are invited to submit their complete application with subject “Caritas Site Engineer” to:

- Caritas Office Meulaboh, Miss Wita
Jl. Teuku Nyak Arief No.6, Kelurahan Ujong Kallak, Kecamatan Johan
Pahlawan Meulaboh, Aceh Barat, NAD
Phone: (0655) 7000898

- Technical Administrator Miss Wita
Srubianti@caritas. ch

Only short listed candidates will be notified

Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Lowongan - Bank Danamon

Bank Danamon bertekad untuk menjadi “Lembaga Keuangan Terkemuka” di Indonesia yang keberadaannya diperhitungkan. Suatu organisasi yang terpusat pada nasabah, yang melayani semua segmen dengan menawarkan nilai yang unik untuk masing-masing segmen, berdasarkan keunggulan penjualan dan pelayanan, dan di dukung oleh teknologi kelas dunia. Peduli, Jujur, Mengupayakan yang terbaik, kerjasama, profesionalisme yang disiplin merupakan nilai yang kami junjung di setiap setiap saat. Saat ini kami mengundang para profesional muda untuk bergaung bersama sebagai:

Personal Banking Officer (PBO-F)

Kualifikasi Umum

a) Lulusan S1 dengan IPK min.2,75

b) Usia antara 22-30 tahun

c) Memiliki kemampuan interpersonal dan keterampilan berkomunikasi yang baik

d) Memiliki relasi yang luas

e) Berorientasi pada hasil

f) Siap bekerja dengan target

g) Fresh graduate atau memiliki pengalaman di bidang institusi keuangan max. 2 (dua) tahun.

h) Status kepegawaian: Outsourcing

Wilayah Kerja

a) Bandung, Sukabumi, Cirebon : Bersedia di tempatkan untuk daerah Bandung , Sukabumi, Cirebon . Kirimkan cv lengkap ke: HR Representatif Region 2 PT Bank Danamon Indonesia Tbk, Jln. Merdeka No 40 Lt 3 Bandung 40117. PIC: Devi Kustriani. Tel: 022-4223344 email: devi.kustriani@ id This e-mail address is being protected from spambots, you need JavaScript enabled to view it

b) Balikpapan : Bersedia di tempatkan untuk daerah Kalimantan ( Pontianak , Sintang, Sanggau, Singkawang, Sampit, Pangkalan Bun, Kotabaru-Batulicin, Banjarmasin , Tarakan, Bontang, Samarinda, Balikpapan , Tanah Grogot). Kirimkan cv lengkap ke: HR Representatif Region 5 PT Bank Danamon Indonesia Tbk Jln. Jendral Sudirman No 54 Lt.6 Balikpapan. PIC: Binarsi/Diah Pratiwi Sutikno email: budi.nugraha@ id This e-mail address is being protected from spambots, you need JavaScript enabled to view it

c) Semarang: Bersedia di tempatkan untuk daerah Semarang , Solo (Sragen), Jogjakarta (Kutoarjo, Purworejo), Purbalingga, Purwokerto, Wangon, Tegal, Pekalongan, Blora, Pati, Kudus. Kirimkan cv lengkap ke: HR Representatif Region 7 PT Bank Danamon Indonesia Tbk, Jln. Pemuda No 175 Semarang. PIC: MG Ninuk Ismaeni email: mg.ninuk.ismaeni@ id This e-mail address is being protected from spambots, you need JavaScript enabled to view it

d) Surabaya: Bersedia di tempatkan untuk daerah Surabaya , Kediri , Malang , Pasuruan (Leces, Probolinggo) , Denpasar (Ubud, Klungkung). Kirimkan cv lengkap ke: HR Representatif Region 3 PT Bank Danamon Indonesia Tbk, Jln. Gubernur Suryo No 12 Lt 4 Surabaya. PIC: Arum Sri Asmoro Tel: 031-5312126 email: arum.asmoro@ id This e-mail address is being protected from spambots, you need JavaScript enabled to view it

e) Jakarta: Bersedia di tempatkan untuk daerah Jakarta (Daan Mogot, Muara Karang, Roxy Mas, Tangerang, Senen ), Bekasi, Rengas Dengklok, Karawang, Serang. Kirimkan cv lengkap ke: HR Representatif Region 1 Bank Danamon Matraman, Jln. Matraman Raya No. 52 Jakarta Timur 13150. U.p: Recruitment Officer or e-mail to: ita.cahyani@ id This e-mail address is being protected from spambots, you need JavaScript enabled to view it up. Ibu Thenisia. M

f) Sulawesi , Ambon, Papua: Bersedia di tempatkan untuk daerah Manado , Makasar, Luwuk, Palu, Palopo, Kotamobagu, Jayapura (Sorong, Timika, Sengkang). Kirimkan cv lengkap ke: HR Representatif Region 4 PT Bank Danamon Indonesia Tbk, Jln. A. Yani No 11-13 Makassar . PIC: Chengni Ho/Nurfitriani Hasyim Tel: 0411-316244 ext. 5013 email: chengni.ho@danamon. This e-mail address is being protected from spambots, you need JavaScript enabled to view it atau nurfitriani. hasyim@danamon. This e-mail address is being protected from spambots, you need JavaScript enabled to view it

g) Medan: Bersedia di tempatkan untuk daerah Rantau Prapat, Tebing Tinggi, Bagan Batu, Medan, Pekan Baru, Batam, Padang, Bukit Tinggi, Palembang, Pangkal Pinang, Jambi. Kirimkan cv lengkap ke: HR Representatif Region 6 PT Bank Danamon Indonesia Tbk, Jln. P. Diponegoro No 35 Lt 6 Medan 20152. PIC: Dini Kartika Tel: 061-4552000 email: dini.kartika@ id

(c. d : 30 Mei 2009)